Thursday, September 3, 2020
Anti Dress Code Essay -- essays research papers
School is in the 'matter' of learning. School is where the following legal advisors, investors, CPA's and Doctors are given the essentials of working in this economy. One of the nuts and bolts of our way of life in the working scene is traditionalist dressing, clothing regulation, or even outfits. What's going on with sending our children the message that they are in 'the matter of learning' by upholding clothing standards?      School is additionally where the following on-screen characters, scholars, specialists, lawmakers, creators, architects and performers are prepared. School garbs send a reasonable early-life message to understudies that congruity is significant and innovativeness isn't, that authority is permitted to mishandle it's capacity and compel our established option to free discourse and articulation. Understudies gain from regalia that their singularity, political feelings and strict rights are immaterial, just like their training: understudies are routinely suspended for resistance to the uniform code regardless of whether their school work is incredible. On the off chance that uniform-requiring schools were quite 'the matter of learning' this would not happen. Numerous advocates state that school garbs help to decrease the measure of rough out explosions of posse individuals in schools. To them I state why don’t we dispose of the pack individuals. Why don’t we essentially place these pack individuals that are so pervasive into a progressively reasonable learning condition, similar to training camp. On the off chance that you go out and look there is little exploration done to demonstrate that school viol...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Science of Stars
Stars are all around perceived cosmic articles in our nearby planetary group and speak to building squares of worlds. The history and elements of a star in a system relies upon its age, appropriation, and organization. The stars are answerable for components, for example, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. A star’s life starts extremely little, in the same way as other more things known to man. They start as, aside from whatever else, particles in dust storms and gas. They stay cold for a very long time. The unsettling influence of a comet or other item that travels through the cloud will at that point cause particles to impact and clusters will start to shape. Throughout a million years, clusters will develop into what we call â€Å"protostar†and attract more gases and become considerably more blazing. This is the way stars are shaped and is a point in a star’s life. Stargazers decide arrangement, shading, and temperature of stars and other far off items with a basic instrument called a spectroscopy. Stargazers have utilized this instrument since the 1800’s to break down radiated light spectra. At the point when a star emits light and the light parts by crystal, the otherworldly example mirrors a star’s arrangement. All stars are 95% hydrogen, so the varieties in organization uncover its age, iridescence, and cause. Organization of gases can be controlled by watching the light of a star. Space experts can decide the temperature of a star from its shading and its range. All stars have various hues. They have various hues because of its light radiation. There are a couple of various ways space experts can decide a star’s temperature. One path is to gauge a star’s shading. They utilize three channels that transmit light in three distinctive frequency ranges. Space experts at that point take the force proportion of the light. Another approach to decide the temperature of a star is to look at the ghastly lines in the starlight. Study of Stars3 Astronomers additionally utilize an apparatus called the electromagnetic range to decide the structure, temperature, speed, and turn pace of stars and other far off items. Turn rates are estimated by utilizing telescopes or space tests. Space experts pick a specific element on an object and afterward decide to what extent the component takes to move from one side to the opposite side. For a model, the Sun has a revolution pace of around 25 days. One planet in our close planetary system that is hard for stargazers to watch turn rate is Earth. That is on the grounds that we live on Earth and pivot with it. As stars progress through their lives they move around in the H-R chart since their properties change over some stretch of time. In the H-R graph it plots iridescence, ghostly sort, and furthermore temperature. In the event that a star is plotted higher up on the graph on the vertical plane, this implies the stars are more splendid. On the off chance that a star is plotted in the even plane to one side, this implies these stars are the most sweltering. Stars burn through a large portion of their lifetime in what is known as the principle arrangement in the H-R outline. In this period of a star’s life, they consume hydrogen into helium. Likewise now, the star’s size and iridescence stay steady in light of the fact that their powers have arrived at a close balance. Stars will stay in the principle succession until they arrive at a specific mass. Stars that are called supergiants in the H-R graph and lie along the upper right are radiant and cool. The stars that are called white diminutive people and are plotted at the base left of the outline are fainter, more sweltering stars. The red goliath stars are the stars of incredible radiance and size. They structure a thick flat band that joins the principle arrangement. All the stars on the H-R outline are plotted by their shading evenly and their radiance vertically. All the hues are coded from O (blue), B (blue), A (blue-white), F (white), G (yellow), K (orange), and M (red). Study of Stars4 In the focal point of our nearby planetary group lies a star called â€Å"the Sun†. Its shading is white, yet appears to us on Earth as yellow and is viewed as a principle grouping star. The existence pattern of the Sun, much the same as some other star begins with a haze of gas and residue made for the most part out of hydrogen crumples under gravitational powers. It was shaped around 4. 5 billion years prior dictated by researchers utilizing the Sun’s momentum principle succession age. At the present time, the Sun is accepted to be partially through its fundamental grouping advancement. The Sun ought to go through around 10 billion years as a fundamental arrangement star. It will enter the red mammoth stage in around 5 billion years. When it ranges to be a goliath star stage, the Sun will have lost about 30% of its mass because of a heavenly wind. The circles of the planets will move outward at that point. In the long run our Earth will be gulped by the Sun. The Sun living in the fundamental arrangement is continuously getting increasingly radiant and its temperature is gradually rising. After the red mammoth stage, the Sun’s external layers will be misled. It will cool and blur into the white midget stage. Starting at the present moment, the Sun’s life cycle is the primary grouping stage. It is viewed as moderately aged at 4. 5 billion years of age. The Sun is at present combining hydrogen in its center and has been for the last 5,000 million years, and it is required to keep intertwining hydrogen for in any event another 4,000 million years. The principle arrangement stage is the longest and most stable period of its reality and this stage keeps going around 10 billion years for a star. The principle succession is additionally the primary phase of a star in the wake of turning into a star, directly after the protostar stage. The accompanying stage after the fundamental arrangement stage would be the red goliath stage. I have now talked about in this paper how space experts decide structure, temperature, speed, and pivot pace of inaccessible items. I clarified the properties of the stars in the H-R Science of Stars5 outline, summed up the existence pattern of the Sun, and furthermore expressed where the Sun is at present in its life cycle.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards: Website Lesson Plans Edwina Schweitzer Grand Canyon University: EED 364 November 25, 2012 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is a board that has set up gauges that are to be followed and clung to while making scientific exercise plans. These principles are national and require a great deal of the instructors to the extent what and how they educate math. While there are numerous decisions of exercise designs that help the measures set by the NCTM in regards to number sense and activities, just four will be utilized to satisfy the accompanying standards. . Four exercise plans were picked to outline the help of the NCTM principles: A. Critical thinking: Math, scene 1, (Discovery Education, n. d. ) is an exercise plan that assists understudies with understanding the significance of numbers. In this exercise the goals are to show the understudies the significance of numbers in math, and show instances of how they are utilized in regular day to day existence. The understudies begin by viewing the video, Problem-comprehending: Math, scene 1, and afterward discussing the entirety of the numbers that they find in the study hall, for example, the numbers on a clock or what number of paint brushes or windows there are.The understudies are then approached to envision a world without numbers and give thoughts of how things would be extraordinary. They are then solicited to record models from how they have utilized numbers, for example, isolating candy among companions, being preferred choice, or being estimated at the specialist. They are then approached to impart these guides to the class and post them as a token of the significance of numbers in their regular day to day existences. B.Activity 3: Exploring the impact of procedure on decimals, (Illuminations, 2000-2012) is an exercise plan that offers understudies the chance to â€Å"explore the impacts of expansion, deduction, duplication, a nd division on decimal numbers. †This exercise gives a Maze Playing Board sheet that permits understudies to play a game while clearing their path through the labyrinth. The object of the labyrinth is to complete the labyrinth with the most noteworthy decimal number. Instances of expansion, deduction, increase, and division of decimal numbers are appeared on an overhead projector for the understudies to see as a visual aid.This action requires the utilization of the adding machine, which gives work on utilizing an adding machine while messing around with a labyrinth. The understudies are then placed into gatherings of three to talk about their outcomes. C. I’ll divide s’more please!! (Jackson, n. d. ) is an exercise plan that utilizations divisions to comprehend questions gave in a PBS scene of Cyberchase, entitled Zeus unhindered. The understudies watch the scene and afterward use divisions to unravel the conundrums while learning the pieces of the parts and th eir significance in ordinary life.There is a present that is incorporated with the exercise plan and a rundown of materials, including s’mores fixings, enormous numbers and a bar of paper cut out for fragmentary use. D. Life is Full of Problems, (Young, n. d. ) is an exercise plan that causes understudies figure out how to peruse, decipher, and devise an answer for math issues. This exercise requires the utilization of mental comprehending, paper and pencil, and adding machine use. The understudies figure out how to twofold check their responses for right systems and arrangements. There are a few thoughts recorded in this exercise plan that may fit into any assorted classroom.This is an exercise plan that is especially useful for empowering mental illuminating of mathematic conditions. While the psychological illuminating is endeavored first, they may check their psychological answers by working the issue out on paper, at that point twofold taking a look at themselves with th e number cruncher. This joins three unique methods for critical thinking, and not just shows the significance of mental abilities, it empowers the understudies to get done with the utilization of adding machines. 2. The technique of number sense is utilized in every one of the exercise designs in different manners. Critical thinking: Math, scene 1, (Discovery Education, n. . ) incorporates a jargon list that the others don't. â€Å"Vocabulary is a fundamental piece of building up the aptitudes and ideas important to disclose answers for problems,†(Camelot Learning, n. d. ). The entirety of the exercises utilize number significance and give exercises to improve this significance. Despite the fact that a portion of these exercises might not have jargon words to go with the exercise, they could be fused into them. On the off chance that the higher evaluations definitely realize the jargon words for the exercises being educated, they could be a boost with the goal that the under studies remembered them. 3.The exercises that were remembered for these exercise plans incorporate scientific tasks, for example, expansion, deduction, increase and division of decimals and portions. Adding machines are utilized in two of the exercises, and the significance of the utilization of numbers is underlined in all exercises. Critical thinking methods are given as models and the understudies are urged to enhance them through the fruition of the exercises. One exercise plan even incorporates a S’mores nibble in the action. Understudies would get the opportunity to work with S’mores, however eat them a short time later! 4.These sites are fitting for K-fifth grade understudies, contingent on the exercise being educated and the degree to which the educator might want to train it. The entirety of the exercise plans are versatile for understudies, yet reviews 3-6 appeared to be the best to profit by them as they are recorded. Two or three the exercise plans included varieties that could be made less complex or progressively troublesome, contingent on the evaluation and required trouble level. This variety in trouble is likewise useful for the separation of the understudies. 5. The exercise designs all gave plans to separated instruction.These were additionally thoughts that could be utilized for various evaluation levels, contingent on how top to bottom the instructor needed to go. Little gatherings were relegated to talk about the aftereffects of a portion of the exercises. This could be useful with those understudies that have more noteworthy difficulties and may battle with their exercises. A portion of these exercises could be made accomplice exercises to help ELL understudies or those that may will in general be more slow scholastically. 6. These exercise plans are imperative to the student’s comprehension of science since the entirety of the exercise plans contained indispensable information on the significance of numbers in ordin ary life.The understudies need to become familiar with the parts of these exercises to be effective at anything throughout everyday life, as they are fundamental however significant segments. These exercises show the understudies how numbers encompass them and that without numbers their reality would not be the equivalent by any means. They continually use numbers consistently, directly down to their telephone number, address, age, size of garments, and how tall they are. By giving the instances of this and afterward giving the chance to hands on exercises to outline this significance, the understudies might be less inclined to offer the remarks, â€Å"Why do I need to become familiar with this? I will never utilize this! 7. The exercises inside the exercise plans could improve understudy accomplishment by giving the visual, hands on exercises essential for understudy comprehension and development. By permitting the understudies to take an interest in the exercises and have a great time, they will recall the idea being shown better since they have seen how significant it is and have learned by the pleasant exercises gave. The accomplishment of the understudies can be far more prominent when they are permitted to take an interest in hands on exercises rather than essentially being addressed on a specific idea. It is consistently simpler to recall something when you had some good times doing it.This rule is the equivalent with exercises. The more open doors for the understudies to do exercises or games that relate to the exercise, the better possibility the understudies need to recall the idea being educated. This is just a triumph developer in scholastics. 8. Manipulatives were utilized in these exercises somewhat. The Problem-explaining: Math, Episode 1 exercise plan could utilize a couple of more thoughts for manipulative use. Where the understudies were approached to check out the study hall and discover things that contained numbers, they could pick things from the homeroom to add up to one to ten items.This should be possible by tallying out one book, two pieces of paper, three markers, four pastels, and so on. Manipulatives might be changed or expanded in any of the exercise plans, contingent on the educator and how he/she decides to give them. The four exercise designs that were picked and portrayed all hold fast to the guidelines set up by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Every exercise plan had the NCTM connect or recorded guidelines remembered for the body of the exercise plans. These measures are significant for educators to know about and use while making exercise plans for mathematic instruction.By having these guidelines set up and utilizing them, the entirety of the understudies will have a similar accentuation and significance put on number sense and tasks, paying little mind to review level or school. Reference Camelot Learning. (n. d. ). Camelot learning math intercession educational program. Reco vered November 25, 2012 from http://www. camelotlearning. com/why-camelot/strategy. Revelation Education. (n. d. ). Critical thinking: Math, scene 1. Disclosure training. Recovered November 25, 2012 from http://www. discoveryeducation. com/educators/free-exercise plans/critical thinking math-scene 1. cfmIlluminations. (2000-2012). Movement 3: Exploring the impact of procedure on decimals. Enlightenments. Recovered November 24, 2012 from http://enlightenments. nctm. organization/LessonDetail. aspx? id=L252. Jackson, C. (n. d. ). I’ll split s’more please!! National instructor preparing establishment. Recovered November 25, 2012 from http://www. thirteen. organization/edonline/ntti/assets/exercises/m_half/record. html Young, K. (n. d. ). Life is brimming with issues. Recovered November 25, 2012 from http://www. learningpt. organization/pdfs/mscLessonPlans/youthful. pdf �
Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism
Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism Presentation Bioterrorism is viewed as one of the most discussed issues with respect to national security since the commencement of the new thousand years. On September 11, 2001 (9/11) fear mongering hit the United States with the smashing and endeavored slamming of planes into huge financial and political structures. This demonstration of dread was a critical starting to fears of what was next from psychological oppressor gatherings. Despite the fact that this was not the first, and certainly not the last, psychological militant danger or endeavor it was certainly the most significant and verifiably caused dread, frenzy and social interruption considerably less monetary issues comprehensively. Inside days of the 9/11 assaults the attention to American weakness turned out to be progressively clear with the media exposure of the Anthrax alarms. This achieved worldwide worries with bioterrorism as envelopes that were loaded up with Bacillus anthracis spores were sent to political and media sources all through the United States and twenty-two individuals were contaminated and five passings happened (Ryan Glarum, 2008). Nipah is only one of numerous infections that are accessible to psychological oppressor bunches for advancement as a bioweapon. In 1999 this infection was first seen and noted as handily spread to people through inward breath and ingestion. Despite the fact that there are numerous potential pathogens accessible, the Nipah infection has demonstrated itself to be one of the most perilous and profitable . As the Nipah infection advanced there was dread noted by laborers, families and social insurance suppliers in southern Asia. With a death pace of 40% to 100% (Lam, 2002; World Health Organization [WHO], 2009) in tainted regions, and a monetary effect that cost a few millions to Malaysias economy, this infection has potential for huge bioterrorism. Common History The Nipah Virus (NiV), family paramyxoviridae, was first perceived in Malaysia, South Asia in late 1998 into Spring 1999. This malady was perceived when an episode of affliction and demise happened among pig ranchers, it contaminated 265 individuals, with 105 passings, a death pace of around 40% (Lam, 2002). This infection was new to mainstream researchers and first idea to be Japanese Encephalitis (JE) which had happened in around a similar area years sooner. JE was additionally noted to taint individuals that were around tamed pigs, much the same as the as of now distinguished Nipah Virus (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2001). The Nipah infection was found to likewise have comparable side effects as those of the Hendra Virus which caused respiratory sickness and encephalitis in Australia in 1994 (Fraser, 2009). The Nipah infection is considered by the CDC as a recently developing pathogen that could be designed for mass scattering (Ryan Glarum, 2008; Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Since the beginning of the Nipah infection in 1999, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been twelve huge flare-ups since the underlying, with 202 people contaminated and lost existence of 146 people, mortality of over 72%. Two of these episodes, one in India in 2007 and one in Bangladesh in 2008 had death paces of 100%, indicating the staggering impacts of this infection (WHO, 2009). The underlying examination of the Nipah infection found that abattoir laborers who managed pigs day by day and those that were uncovered through cultivating and shipping pigs were getting sick. As the examination proceeded with it found that the pigs were tainting the laborers (zoonotic infection). After disclosure, in this way over 1.1 million pigs were discarded to suppress the transmission of the infection. This decimation of pigs was altogether crushing to the economy of Malaysia taking note of an expected loss of $217 million dollars (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 104). Infection Transference The Nipah infection have was seen as pteropid bats (flying foxes), situated in Australia and the southern territories of Asia. During extension of ranches toward the rainforests and the obliteration of the rainforest for assembling and industry, numerous animals including bats needed to migrate to endure. Many pig ranchers in Malaysia additionally had enormous natural product plantations arranged close to the pig nooks, as development of pig cultivating proceeded and the loss of living space for bats continued to change bats began to search the close by plantations for food. As this movement proceeded there was an expanded possibility of ailment tainting to household creatures from natural life, and as such a noteworthy increment in contact among pigs and bats. In this way, more prominent open door for transmission of the Nipah infection (â€Å"Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returnsâ€Å", 2005). As the Nipah infection was examined it was accepted to have been transmitted to pigs from bats through the salivation, pee and excrement of the bats which feed and home in nearby plantations (â€Å"Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returnsâ€Å", 2005), close to pig pens. This potential transmission presumably happened when bat discharges fell into the pig pens and were ingested by these tamed creatures. The underlying human infection episode in Malaysia and Singapore was accepted to have been from direct contact with wiped out pigs or their meat items, and could have originated from the utilization of polluted organic product or juices from the plantations. As the infection advanced and explore was done there was a built up interface noticing individual to-individual sullying through close contact (World Health Organization [WHO], 2009) Physiology of Exposure The Nipah infection appears to have a wide range of clinical indications in singular creatures and people. There is an expansive scope of center signs that can highlight infection contamination that influence analysts and social insurance suppliers to not perceive examples of introductory contamination, subsequently not perceiving potential ailment flare-ups. As indicated by the WHO (2009), the hatching time frame (interim from contamination to beginning of manifestations) differs from four to 45 days. This critical range makes it unimaginably difficult to follow the infection between beginning presentation and clinical treatment. Perceiving that the individual is giving indications of an infection, and narrowing down the particular infection, at that point treating it properly for an individual is a test however attainable. Yet, with such a wide brooding period there is a likelihood that reasonable data could be lost or not took note. The physiological side effects of this infection in people is portrayed by vague signs and indications to incorporate serious migraine, fever, heaving, myalgia (solid torment) confusion, respiratory sicknesses, neurological shortfalls and encephalitis and by and large may cause trance like state or demise (Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy [CIDRAP], 2009). In pigs there is portrayal of signs and side effects relying upon the age of the creature. The fundamental signs noted are fever, brevity of breath, muscle jerking, trembling, back leg shortcoming, extreme hacking, open-mouth breathing, strange acting and seizures (CIDRAP, 2009). After beginning presentation and treatment follow-up inquire about was done and in this investigation it was noticed that there were backslides in facility side effects to incorporate encephalitis up to twenty after two months, without re-introduction. The examination and that an expected 160 patients who recuperated from intense encephalitis and 89 patients who experienced asymptomatic contamination got follow-up care for ‘late-beginning encephalitis (neurological signs happening just because at least ten weeks after starting disease) or ‘relapsed encephalitis (neurological indications after recuperation from intense encephalitis) (Halpin Mungall, 2007, p. 290). Host Sources The Nipah Virus source originates from Pteropus natural product bats (AKA: Flying Foxes), which are found in Southern Asia and Australia. In 1997 natural product bats were noted to start rummaging on blossoms and nectar in trees situated close to plantations bordering to contaminated zones (Cobey, 2005). Organic product bats were seen as the normal wellspring of this infection and made the exchange of the infection pigs and individuals. As trained pigs were sold for rearing and moved to different ranches the infection was immediately dispersed further all through southern Asia (Cobey, 2005). Conceivable Use in Biowarfare Biowarfare, and nowadays bioterrorism, is a danger that started before the introduction of Christ. As indicated by Dr. Michael D. Phillips, M.D. one of the principal recorded episodes [of bioterrorism]was in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians utilized rye ergot, a component of the organism Claviceps purpurea, which contains mycotoxins. Rye ergot was utilized by Assyria to harm the wells of their foes, with restricted achievement (Phillips, 2005, p. 32). Utilization of pathogens to instigate disorder, passing or dread has proceeded until present time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recorded the Nipah infection as a basic natural specialist, Category C. Class C specialists are rising pathogens that could be built for mass spread later on due to: * Availability * Ease of creation and spread * Potential for high horribleness and death rates and significant wellbeing sway (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.,  ¶ 3; (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 105)) With this order the infection is a living pathogen that can be created as a bioweapon with the correct information, and hardware. For the infection to be weaponized it should be cleansed, balanced out and appropriately measured. Since this is a living infection the bioterrorist specialist can be repeated once spread (Ryan Glarum, 2008). As of now, there is no data about how this infection could be fabricated to turn into a bioterrorist specialist, yet with the correct information the potential is there. Creation Methods Since the Nipah infection has demonstrated to be spread through emissions from bats and pigs, and appeared to cause serious disease and demise it can conceivably be utilized as a bioterrorist operator
Friday, August 21, 2020
Silicone Breast Implants essays
Silicone Breast Implants papers In a womans life, her bosoms are critical to her from various perspectives. They can add to her confidence, appearance, and sexual fulfillment. Today plastic medical procedure is performed for the most part for restorative reasons. It has been misjudged for a delight medical procedure. Having taken the whole measure of plastic specialists, just modest quantities limit their training to simply corrective activities. Lady who decide to have bosom inserts do as such for some reasons. It may be because of a mishap or even a malignant growth understanding. Ladies that have malignant growth or are recouping from disease for the most part have this strategy since it was necessay for them to have a mastectomy. After either of a womens bosom have been evacuated this individual decides to have silicone inserts to give them a sentiment of completeness again alongside numerous other individual reasons. For different patients, bosom inserts are an elective medical procedure. These pre-operation patients have a few choices that should be thoroughly considered completely. A couple are: the costs (clinical insurance agencies don't ordinarily pay for this activity), the kind of embed (saline, silicone or twofold lumen), the size of the embed, the state of the bosom, should it be in front or behind the muscle, by what means should the specialist put in the embed (through the wrinkle under the bosom, the areola, the armpit, or midsection button), how legitimate the specialist is (has the person in question done this activity previously and if so how frequently and what were the outcomes). With a lot more inquiries this individual needs to pose to themselves, they should likewise consider the dangers that go connected at the hip with their choice. After a lady has settled on a choice to feel free to have bosom inserts there are some significant inquiries that she should pose to her primary care physician. One, is this specialist board affirmed? Next, does the specialist have medical clinic permission and move benefits in the event that there is a ton of agony after the medical procedure? At that point, make... <!
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Just Dance!
Just Dance! In its 149 years of existence, MIT has been involved with many of the worlds firsts . This past weekend, MIT dived into yet another: the first intercollegiate Indian classical dance competition in the northeast! Through a collaboration with Boston Universitys dance team, Dheem, MIT Natya put on a show called Laasya, which means dance in Sanskrit. We had competitors from Penn, Rutgers, Harvard, Case Western, Johns Hopkins, and UMaryland; it felt nice to meet others who cared as much about dance as I did. As the host school, we didnt actually compete in the contest; we did, however, perform the opening number: Im really proud of this video! We practiced sooo much for this performance. It seriously feels as though I spent more of last week in dance practice than I did in class. Most everyone on MIT Natya has been walking around with bags underneath their eyes for quite some time now. Saturday (the day of our show) was particularly chaotic, though I admittedly had fun using the Build Your Own Pizza app on the Dominos website to order pizza for all the teams. MIT Natya is one of several dance teams on campus; I chose to be a part of it because Indian classical dance has been a part of my life for well over ten years now. Its been a huge outlet for me, an activity that compresses all of my pent-up frustration and energy and translates it into emphatic footsteps and sharp movements. Its easy to smile when performing on stage and even easier to forget that the audience is there. And dancing with the other members of MIT Natya is rejuvenating it feels like a lively celebration with the best of friends :) For your viewing pleasure, heres a set of photos from Laasya ~ all photo credit goes to Arfa 13. Oh and a shout-out to Brian 13, who not only supported MIT Natya by coming to Laasya but also desperately wanted to be mentioned in the blogs :)
Monday, June 22, 2020
Getting Ready for the Test An A+ Pop Quiz
(Part 1 in a two-part series.) It’s time! You’ve practiced. You’ve learned which test strategies work best for you. You’re ready to show what you can do. Tomorrow is Test Day. Maybe you’re taking the SAT, the ACT, or an SAT subject test. However, there’s one thing you have to do before acing any test: get through the night before. A+ has put together this short quiz to help you plan a restful and productive evening before the big day. Which of the following would be your best choice for dinner? Now might be a good time to see if I’m still lactose intolerant. Let’s use up those old hot dogsâ€â€they’ve only been in the fridge for two weeks! I’ll have dinner at my regular time, choosing foods I like that I know I tolerate well. Which activity will leave you in the best frame of mind the next morning? Attending a big party and dancing into the early hours of the morning. Starting a new workout routine that exercises muscles I’ve never used before. Watching a movie with one or two friends and going to sleep at my usual time. How much sleep should you get? I plan to study until dawn. I can sleep after the test. I’ll go to bed on time. If I can’t fall asleep, I’ll toss and turn and stare at the ceiling. I’ll go to bed on time. If I don’t fall asleep, I’ll get up and do something relaxing until I feel sleepy. What about breakfast? (Okay, that’s not at night. It’s still before the test.) I never eat breakfast. Black coffee and orange juice. I’ll eat something light that contains protein. I’ll take a snack with me. The right choice for all of the above isâ€â€surprise, surpriseâ€â€always c! I’ll have dinner at my regular time, choosing foods I like that I know I tolerate well. Nerves do funny things to your state of mind. One response can be the impulse to try something new, if only for distraction purposes. This is not the time to experiment with ghost peppers or teach yourself to make crab legs flambà ©. If tuna casserole has always worked for you, then tuna casserole it is. Watching a movie with one or two friends and going to sleep at my usual time. Plan an activity that is fun, relaxing, and not likely to result in emergency services being alerted. If what you’re considering generally causes you to wake up with a killer headache and ringing in your ears, pick a different activity. I’ll go to bed on time. If I don’t fall asleep, I’ll get up and do something relaxing until I feel sleepy. Nothing is less relaxing than staring at a dark ceiling and counting how many hours you could still get if you fell asleep right now. Get in your comfy jammies. Go to bed at a reasonable time. However, if sleep doesn’t happen, don’t beat yourself up. Read a book. Watch TV. Do a crossword puzzle. I’ll eat something light that contains protein. I’ll take a snack with me. Use your judgement here. Although taking a major test on an empty stomach is not recommended, forcing yourself to eat and then working through nausea is possibly worse. If nerves won’t let you eat breakfast, take a snack that you can eat during a break (when presumably you’re less jittery). Avoid breakfasts like the one mentioned in choice b; all that acid with no protein is a recipe for disaster. Finally, remember that a little stage fright is a good thing. You wouldn’t want to fall asleep during the test because you’re so relaxed! It’s good to minimize stress, but don’t expect to eliminate it altogether. Use it instead. In part two of this series, we’ll look at a technique called visualization. At A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, our practices are based on the latest developments in educational theory and research. We have an excellent team of tutors who can help you with standardized testing, executive functioning, or achievement in any other school subject. If you would like more information, our Client Service Directors Anne Stanley and Susan Ware are available to answer questions and provide solutions. You may reach either of them by calling A+ Test Prep and Tutoring at 215-886-9188.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Apush - Chapter 9-12 I.D. Terms - 3973 Words
Chapter 9-12 I.D. Terms 1. Washington’s Farewell Address- an essay George Washington wrote to stay neutral from foreign affairs. â€Å"We need to stay focused on well-being of U.S. since we are a new country.†For the next 150 years, the U.S. didn’t sign an alliance. Isolationism formed from this address. Twice however, the US got involved in the European struggle. 1) in 1798 in opposition to France amp; 2) in 1813 in opposition to Great Britain. He basically said he was totally for the Neutrality Act amp; he also said to avoid political parties. IT will only cause disagreements. He made this address because he didn’t want to serve his 3rd session and made the tradition of 2 per president. 2. Federalist Papers-aimed to convince Americans†¦show more content†¦Directory’s foreign minister, Prince Talleyrand, demanded a loan for France and a Bribe for French officials before they would deal with Adams commissioners. This led to the undeclared war with France from 1798-1800. Adams cut off trade with France and captured French ships. American army did well and got 85 prizes of armed merchantmen and vessels of the French navy. U. S gets closer to Britain put still remains the â€Å"peace†see bribe. France didn’t need another war so he said that the representatives would be received with respect by Napoleon. Napoleon had other plans to take of Europe so he made the â€Å"convention of 1800s†which said the Franco-American alliance was over (that if either one of them was attacked by Britain, the other will fight for them) and America had to pay for French shippers. 8. Shay’s Rebellion- farmers in the central part of Massachusetts with the leader Daniel Shays seized the armory in Springfield, Massachusetts before the state militia put down the rebellion and executed several of the conspirators. Exposed the weakness of the American government under the old â€Å"articles of confederation†added urgency to the meeting in Philadelphia to replace articles with constitution. A bunch of farmers put a threat on government. See whiskey Rebellion 1794, the government was stronger with the constitution. 9. â€Å"Republican Motherhood†the ideal that women’s place in the new representational
Monday, May 18, 2020
Descartes 4th Meditation Essays - 802 Words
After Descartes goes over what he has previously covered, including his proving that God exists and that God is perfect, he begins his fourth meditation. In this meditation, titled Truth and falsity, Descartes contemplates how he, Descartes makes mistakes if he is a product of this perfect being. First, he knows that God would not deceive him, since the will to deceive is a sign of weakness or hatred, and Gods perfection would not allow it. Second, if God created him, God is responsible for his judgment, and so his sense of judgment must be flawless as long as he uses it correctly. The question at hand is, why does Descartes make mistakes if he is the product of God, who is a perfect being. In Descartes fourth meditation he gives some†¦show more content†¦Therefore, we would not have the perfect existence. If we dont believe that there is a perfect being then how can we ourselves become perfect beings? If there isnt a perfect creator, what can humans base their perfection on? Descartes now proposes a solution to the problem of his question, why are we not perfect beings if our creator himself is perfect. My interpretation of Descartes solution is that when future problems arise we must hold back from making any choices or casting any judgment until the problem has been clearly thought out and any thoughts of faultiness have been removed. We as imperfect beings can only reach the truth if we can fully comprehend the right from the wrong. Because we have been given the gift of free will, we were also given the abilities determine the differences between right and wrong. Therefore, before making any judgments we must think our judgment through and not think indifferently, this will only bring us one step closer to the perfection of our creator. This however, will never bring us to the exact perfection of our maker. Since we have been given the gift of free will, we undoubtedly will make mistakes. By using the solution to Descartes problem we will be abl e to strive for our ultimate perfection, however due to our free will and human nature, we will never indeed reach the perfection of the perfect being who created us. Descartes solution does prove to be true if only we follow it. If we thinkShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Rene Descartes829 Words  | 3 Pages Rene Descartes was a brilliant man who came up with many inventions and thoughts to put in people’s minds and let them ponder off and question life in itself. In one of the many things Rene Descartes created, he wrote a book called Discourse on the Method and Meditations. Descartes discusses how there are two main proofs of God’s existence, the casual argument in meditation three and the ontological argument in meditation five. There are a few differences between these two meditations and one isRead MoreThe Dream Argument by Rene Descartes Essay1008 Words  | 5 PagesOne of Rene Descartes’s most famous arguments, from his not only from his first meditation but all of the meditations, is his Dream Argument. Descartes believes that there is no way to be able to distinguish being in awake from being in a state of dreaming. In fact you could actually be in a dream right now. Rene Descartes’s theory that one is unable distinguish being awake from dreaming, as interesting as it is, can be at times a little farfetched, along with a few contradictions to himself, Descartes’sRead MoreEssay about Ontological Argument Critique 857 Words  | 4 PagesAlthough in order to move forward, failed arguments must be studied to ensure that mistakes are not repeated. One such argument is the Ontological Argument. This argument was first recorded by St. Anslem (1033-1109). Descartes adapts this argument in the fifth meditation in ‘Meditations on First Philosophy.’ He first establishes that whenever he thinks about a triangle, there are certain properties that must be present in order for the form to be a triangle. Further â€Å"even if perhaps no such figureRead MoreEssay about Rene Descartes Impact on the Scientific Method923 Words  | 4 PagesRene Descartes Impact on the Scientific Method People have always thought about the world around them. Through the centuries they have wondered about what their surroundings were made of. Modern science has proven to be most effective in explaining our environment. What makes modern science superior to the ancient schools of thought is the employment of the scientific method. The man credited to a great extent with the development of the scientific method is Renà © Descartes, a French philosopherRead MoreDefragmentation in Technology with Concepts in Theoretical Philosophy1350 Words  | 6 Pageseven if only one of them is being damaged. Just as damage to the computer’s processing unit (the CPU which could be called the the brain of the computer) will affect the function of its hardware as well. Disk Defragmentation analogized with Meditation A tool named Disk defragmenter arranges the data in order and brings together jumbled pieces of information, thus enhancing the efficiency of the system Disk defragmentation is a process which strengthens and consolidates the fragmented filesRead More The Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy1462 Words  | 6 PagesThe Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand. Those rules are here evaluated in terms of what they fail to take into consideration. The rules are examined individually and consecutively, and are therefore also reiterated in order to be clear about them. Furthermore, the approach of usingRead More A Humean Critique of Descartes Essay2559 Words  | 11 PagesA Humean Critique of Descartes Montreal has big potholes. Lots of them. If one is to truly understand the philosophy of Hume and Descartes, one must understand what they would do with crummy roads as civil engineers in Montreal. Hume would probably repave the roads based on the success of past designs and the results of empirical data. Descartes, on the other hand, would probably leave nothing unscathed after attacking the problem with reason, scrapping the existing roadmap and re-building roadsRead MoreCompare and contrast the significance for psychology of Descartes and Kant1568 Words  | 7 Pagesthe significance for psychology of Descartes and Kant Descartes and Kant, both of them are famous philosophers and they are well known for their contributions to philosophy. At the same time, they have great influence on the development of psychology. I am going to compare their significance of psychology. By observing some mechanical things, Descartes had an idea that human and animal work like automata. (Klein, 1970) This idea became a basic concept of Descartes’ theories of the brain and visualRead MoreThe Theory Of The Existence Of God2362 Words  | 10 PagesIn, Meditations Three: Concerning God, That he Exists, Rene Descartes uses innate ideas in his attempt to prove the existence of God. The points formed deal with the allegory of the sun and the stone, explain that God is the only perfect being, explain that God is not a deceiver and finally prove the existence of the external world. In relation to Descartes proof of the existence of God one must understand that for Descartes innate means, having a natural notation of an idea within the mind. WhatRead MorePhilosophy 101 Study Guide Essay3857 Words  | 16 Pagesyou turn in the completed study guide prior to the exam, either †¢ as a MS Word attachment sent by e-mail to, with the subject line â€Å"PHI 101 STUDY GUIDE WARRANTY†, or †¢ as a paper copy turned in to the SHPRS office on the 4th floor of Coor hall, time-stamped and clearly marked on the top page â€Å"Jeff Watson, Phi 101†, or †¢ as a paper copy turned in on the day of the exam prior to picking up your exam. and you take the quiz and answer all 60 of the multiple-choice true/false
Monday, May 11, 2020
Second Language Learning - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1304 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Teaching Essay Type Review Did you like this example? A Brief Literature Review and Self-reflection on the Critical Period Hypothesis Introduction Is there really an ideal age at which second language learning should begin? Is there only a slim chance for an adult learner to master a second language? These thought-provoking questions arising from the Critical Period Hypothesis, as well as the interesting phenomena relating to the hypothesis that occurred during my life as a teacher make it the focus of discussion of the essay. The Critical Period Hypothesis: A highly debatable issue One prominent proponent of the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) was Eric Lenneberg (1967), who based his hypothesis on neurological development. He explained that there is a maturation process called cerebral lateralization, during which the brain loses its plasticity as it gradually matures. This process, starts at around two, is supposed to be completed at puberty, after which it is very difficult or even impossible for a learner to successfully acquire a new language. The CPH has been widely discussed in the area of second language acquisition (SLA) and has aroused much controversy. The CPH is most closely linked to the acquisition of the phonological system. As put forward by Scovel (1988), it is not possible for learners beyond the age of 12 to attain a native-like pronunciation though they might be able to master the syntax and vocabulary of a second language. A similar view regarding phonological attainment was propounded by Flege and Fletcher (1992, p.385). They concluded from their studies that a foreign accent first emerges at an age of L2 learning of between 5 and 8 years, which probably implies, in the domain of phonology, that the critical period ends even earlier than what Lenneberg proposed. This coincides with later studies conducted by Krashen (1973), who claimed that lateralization is completed at around age 5. Mark Patkowski (1980) conducted a study on how the age factor is related to the acquisition of linguistic features other than accent. The findings further supported the CPH as the results indicated that the age factor is very important in a sense that it limits the learners development of a native-like mastery of various linguistic features of a second language. Jacquline Johnson and Elissa Newport (1989) also carried out a study relating to the rules of English morphology and syntax and found that those earliest starters got the highest scores on the grammaticality judgement test. Despite some clear evidence t hat supports the CPH, a remarkable research undertaken by Catherine Snow and Marian Hoefnagel-Ho_hle (1978) provided evidence against it. The findings revealed that both adolescent and adult learners could surpass the children learners by making enormous and rapid progress in a wide range of language knowledge. White and Genesee (1996) also revealed in a grammaticality judgement task that late starters are able to achieve near-native proficiency. Robert Dekeyser (2000) done something along the line of Johnson and Newport and found that adult and children might have different way in learning language. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Second Language Learning" essay for you Create order Insights gained from the CPH: A Self-reflection Taking into account what I have explored from the literature review, I do believe that the evidence for CPH is somewhat mixed, especially when I reflected upon the L2 learners I taught in a secondary school in Hong Kong. In all my years of teaching, I have had a chance to teach a fairly large number of L2 learners who are immigrants from the Mainland. They are of diverse backgrounds in terms of age, gender, financial condition, etc. Very importantly, not all of them started learning English at the same age. There are a few cases which impressed me most. Two girls who first came to Hong Kong at the age of 17 joined my S4 class. Both of them started learning English at the age of around 12 when they were in the mainland. What was so remarkable was that both of them could write very fluently with highly accurate grammar and a variety of sentence patterns. Their performance in writing and reading even surpassed their local counterparts who started taking up English in kindergar ten. This can somewhat be taken as counter-evidence to the CPH. Both girls revealed that they had an extraordinary strong motivation to improve their English and to catch up with their classmates. These social-psychological factors did play a part in their success of L2 acquisition. As discussed in Lightbown (2006), learners beginning at primary school level might not have an absolute advantage over adolescent learners in attaining greater proficiency in the long run. This is especially true when learners, confining to a classroom setting, receive just a few hours of training every week. Interesting enough, despite extra tutorials to improve the girls oral skills, they carried a rather strong foreign accent. In fact, they do speak Cantonese (a different dialect) with an accent, let alone English, a language which is far different from their mother tongue. This seems to support findings demonstrating that it is very unlikely for late starters to attain native-like pronunc iation. Conclusion As an experienced and sensible teacher, I believe that one should not constrain ourselves too much in any one of the theories or models. If a teacher is a true believer of the CPH, it would somehow affect their expectation on their students who are beyond the puberty period. This in turn would also lead to a lower expectation of the students themselves even though they are not aware of the fact that their teachers assume that they have already gone beyond the optimal period of learning a second language. Instead we should be flexible and reflective enough to cater to our learners needs and facilitate their learning regardless of their age. Though I am convinced that the age factor does play a part in affecting SLA, I concern more in how I could adjust my teaching methods to suit the needs of learners at different ages. It is no doubt that the hypothesis should not be oversimplified and overgeneralized and to be indiscriminately applied to our students because second lan guage learning is a really complicated process in which a lot of factors can be intermingled to affect how successfully a person can learn a second language. To conclude, there has been no overwhelming evidence showing that young learners have absolute superiority over their adult counterparts. Despite the difference in the research findings, there seems to be a general consensus that there are a number of factors interacting to affect SLA, and it is possible that late learners might achieve success in SLA, most likely via a different route from children learners, as discussed by Krashen (1975); (Dekeyser 2000). I believe it is also due to this reason that a lot of other factors cognitive, psycholinguistic and socio-cultural that come into place as to how a learner acquire a second language. References Lightbown, P. Spada, N. (1993). How Languages Are Learned. Oxford University Press Robertson, P. (2002) The Critical Age Hypothiseis, The Asian EFL Journal (On-Line) Flege, J.E. and Fletcher, K.L. 1992, talker and listener effects on degree of perceived foreign accent. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 91, 370-89. Daniels, D. and Moos, R.H. (1990). Assessing Life Stressors and Social Resources among Adolescents: Applications to Depressed Youth. Journal of Adolescent Research, 5, 268-289. Erikson, Erik H. (1980). Identity and the life cycle. W.W. Norton Company, Inc. Hall, J.A. (1987). Parent-Adolescent Conflict. An Empirical Review. Adolescent, 22, 767-789. Montemayor, R. (1986). Family Variation in Parent-Adolescent Storm and Stress. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1, 15-31. Ormrod, J.E. (2000). Educational psychology: developing learners (3rd ed.). London: Prentice Hall. Rice, F.P. (1993 ). The adolescent: Development, relationships, and culture (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. The concept of critical period was initially introduced by Wilder Penfield and Lamar Roberts (1959). As summed up by Hong and Morgan (2005), they proposed that the relatively higher plasticity of a childs brain, as compared to that of an adult, enables a child to learn a language more easily.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Finance Crisis And Its Effects On The Financial Crisis
After the breakout of finance crisis, leaders of the G-20 vowed to take control of the derivative market and finally pass the BASEL III. All the participants including the bankï ¼Å' speculators, exchange platform and institutions, regulators, the offices, political leaders and the households who had a harmful effect from the financial crisis require the reassurance for such a crisis to never occur again. Society as a whole suffered a loss from it, because the wide spread fear and constraint of consumption resulted in higher than expected rates of unemployment, deflation was expected and occurred drastically. Investment was strained down significantly. There are both counterparty and transparency risks that contributed to the derivative†¦show more content†¦For individual speculators and the managers of financial firms, they have incentives to increase profit where they prefer more risk investment when counterparties and others obey the rules to keep a sustainable marker. Therefore, the transparency policy had been implemented to expose more information around prices and volumes combined with the standardising policy of derivatives contracts, which also increase market efficiency and liquidity. The main regulations introduced are as follows: †¢ Greater standardisation of OTC derivatives contracts: Greater standardisation would enhance the efficiency of operational processes; facilitate the increased use of central counterparty (CCP) clearing and trading on organised trading platform to support greater comparability of trade information. By working with international regulators and the industry to take steps in identifying and agreeing which products can be further standardised, both in terms of underlying contract terms and operational processes where this must be implemented on a timely basis. †¢ More robust counterparty risk management. All OTC derivative trades, whether or not centrally cleared, should be subject to robust arrangements to mitigate counterparty risk. For all financial firms this should be through the use of CCP clearing for clearing eligible products. For trades which are not centrally cleared these should be subject to robust bilateral collateralisation arrangements and appropriate risk capitalShow MoreRelatedFinancial Crisis And Its Effects On The World Of Finance1336 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to many experts, this was one of the most severe financial crises in our history since 1930. This crisis was so complex that was known throughout the world under many names, such as â€Å"the Great Recession†, â€Å"the financial crash of 2008†, â€Å"the Trouble Asset Relief Program bailout†, and â€Å"the Great Panic†(Biegelman Bartow, 2012). Whatever its name, this crisis undoubtedly disorder the world of finance dramat ically. This financial chaos, now turned into a recession, had the misfortune toRead MoreQuestions On Non Financial Firms1468 Words  | 6 Pages2007-2008 crisis started off in August 2007 as a subprime mortgage crisis primarily concentrated in the United States but quickly metamorphosized into a global financial crisis where financial institutions teeter on the edge of bankruptcy in many countries in addition to the United States. A global economic crisis ensues in which nonfinancial firms around the world appear to spiral downward as well. A key potential contributor to the plight of the non-financial firms is the financial crisis itself,Read MoreThe Mortgage Crisis And Stock Market Decline Essay1128 Words  | 5 Pagesbehavioral finance can be used to elucidate the mortgage crisis and stock market decline. There will be personages’ retorts, specifically investors in the stock market, evidential psychological biases, and a clarification of behavioral finance. In conclusion will be how I can use behavioral finance to overcome some of the psychological biases that ensue. The mortgage crisis in relation to behavioral finance Behavioral finance definitely can be a topic of an impact on the financial crisis, more specificallyRead MoreThe Global Financial Crisis1580 Words  | 7 PagesIn the following essay, I will briefly summarize some of the main events leading up to the global financial crisis. Following this, I will discuss the effect this had on the banks and ergo the credit supply, then examine how this contributed to the corporate failure. I will also pay some attention to how the market imperfection can affect firms real decisions. Finally, I will sum up the main points of the essay. The banking panic of the fall of 2008 set economies around the world into a severeRead MoreThe Growth Of The Economy Essay1422 Words  | 6 Pages Showtime in late 1950’s Minsky started warning about the gradual shift of the economy from a very robust financial system that was stable and with no financial crisis in the early postwar period. He had called with his analysis that gradually over time debts in the private sector would tend to build up and increasingly risky financial innovations would increase over time. He is very famous for the statement that stability itself is destabilizing. Although things seem very stable today, graduallyRead MoreEconomy And Its Impact On The Economy Essay1424 Words  | 6 Pages Sometime in late 1950’s Minsky started warning about the gradual shift of the economy from a very robust financial system that was stable and with no financial crisis in the early postwar period. He had called with his analysis that gradually over time d ebts in the private sector would tend to build up and increasingly risky financial innovations would increase over time. He is very famous for the statement that stability itself is destabilizing. Although things seem very stable today, graduallyRead MoreThe Effect of Recent Financial Crisis and Regulatory Implications in Asia1532 Words  | 7 Pageslarger scale is the impact on the institutional level of the global financial crisis. The financial crisis began in United States in 2007 and spread to other countries. The crisis was triggered by a liquidity shortfall in United States banking system and resulted to the collapse of financial institutions. Asia is one major continent in which the recent financial crisis had spread. The impact of the crisis had far reaching effects on the economy of Asia than many people had anticipated. HistoricallyRead MoreBanking Sectors and Financial Crisis in the UAE and GCC Countries890 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Banking Sectors Financial Crisis in the UAE GCC Countries Chapter Two Table of Contents I. UAE GCC Countries Economy Overview Overview of the Banking Sector. Islamic and conventional Banking principles. The structure of Islamic Banking in UAE GCC Countries Islamic Banks operating in the UAE GCC Countries Central Bank Federal Law II. The financial crisis in the UAE GCC Countries. Causes of the financial crisis. Effects of the financial crisis. Banking Sector beforeRead MoreFinancial Crisis762 Words  | 4 PagesSyndicate group assignment What were the origins of the Asian currency crisis? The Asian currency crisis was a period of financial crisis started in Thailand in July 1997. Many Asian countries experienced a financial crisis are a large drop in the value of its currency and a large drop in its traded equity prices. Before the crisis happened, many Asian countries produced a dramatic reduction in poverty and rapid economic growth. Behind the boom, thereRead Morewhat is the advantages and disadvantages of business risk management1233 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of financial risk management? Financial risk management is the practice of creating economic value in a firm by using financial instruments to manage exposure to risk. Similar to general risk management, financial risk management requires identifying its sources, measuring it, and plans to address them. Financial risk includes various categories such as credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operation risk and reputation risk. These are risks
Introduction to Social Sciences Free Essays
Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Sciences Social Science: It is defined as: â€Å"Social Sciences is the study of behavior of how individuals interact with the society. †Every discipline except finance and accounting comes under the umbrella of social science. Branches of Social Science: Following are the branches of social sciences: * Anthropology * Archaeology * Public Administration * Communication * Criminology * Economics * Education * Government * Linguistics * International Relations * Political Science * Sociology * Human Geography * History * Law * Psychology Some of these are briefly explained below: * Economics: Economics is the study of how wealth is produced, distributed and consumed in the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Social Sciences or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is basically the knowledge of wealth i. e. how and where investment should be made. * Communication Studies: In this, we study that when a message needs to be spread in the masses what techniques can be used that can prove to be helpful. In other words, we study that how news spreads in the society and in what manner people respond o it. * Education: Education means learning. Here you talk about the first hand experience you get from the society. It tells you how people learn and unlearn. * History: History is the study of past of human in the world. * Law: The rules and regulations that are made to govern the society. * Linguistics: It is basically the knowledge of phonetics. In this you study about the speaking pattern of the society. It is a fact that there is a change in language after every 5km. * Anthropology: The comparative study of human societies and cultures and their development is known as anthropology. * Human Geography: Human geography examines the natural environment and how the climate, life and land interact with each other. * Political Science: Political science is the study of social arrangement to maintain peace and order within a society. * Public Administration: Public Administration is concerned with the management of public programs, which interact with the residents of the community or region. Those who work in it should share a commitment to offer public service. * Psychology: Psychology is the study of human soul, mind, behavior, personality and how they affect an individual’s environment. * Sociology: Sociology is the systematic study of society and human social action. * One important point here should be kept in mind that the solution of social problems lies in social sciences like poverty and social science (economics). The solution of these problems should be a high priority for all of us. How to cite Introduction to Social Sciences, Papers Introduction to Social Sciences Free Essays Topic of study – Sociologist and Psychologist â€Å"Do people from deferent background Influence they choice of school they go to? †This topic Is derived from the article, which states: â€Å"What we are seeing Is that the students who are going to some of the more brand-name schools, they’re all coming from a certain background†¦ Expanded financial help for students who are keen to enter top independent schools but are put off for fear they cannot afford it or fit in. This might be of interest to both sociologist and psychologist, looking at the activities/ behavior of small groups at ground level, both will then examine whether what is mound on small scale applies on large scale. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Social Sciences or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 Sociologist Approach For sociologist, the question they might ask could be: â€Å"How did this social idea comes about? ‘ Sociologists study the social norms and values, and also social processes like formation of power and status relationship. In this case, they may be interested to find out how come most students that are enrolled In elite schools are from better background. The social function for hilling practice might derive from schooling. It might be believed that students that graduated from an elite school have higher neighborhood school. This would then drive the parents who have adequate financial ability to enroll their children into a better school so that their child may have a better chance of getting employed in the future. As a result, students from better background will end up in top independent school as their parents can afford to put them through the education. 1. 2 Psychologist Approach As for psychologist, they may ask: â€Å"How do groups influence human behavior? They are interested in how it will develop one’s belief system. In this case, it is said that students from better background are enrolled in top schools. That being said, what ill happen if a student from normal background were to be awarded with study grant to be enrolled in the elite school? If students from top schools are mostly from better background, they w ill start thinking that because they come from better background, they are entitled to go into this school. Consequently, will a student from normal background choose to enroll into the elite school, if given study grant? There could be fear of being ostracizes and not being able to fit in due to the differences. While both disciplines are concerned on the same topic, the emphasis on sociology is the individual in interaction with others. On the other hand, psychology focuses on the individual, which explains human behavior. 2. Topic of study – Political Scientist and Economist â€Å"How effective is introducing niche program able to accommodate multiple pathway of success? †This might be of interest to both political scientist and economist as it both consists of decision making. The topic is derived from the article that mentioned: â€Å"†¦ Opportunity arises because we have been committed to this philosophy of many alternative ways of success. †2. 1 Political Scientist Approach For political scientist, they study on who gets what, when and how. In short, they decide how the society should operate. They analyses the forms the institution takes and the process that emerge. Political scientists look at how the policy introduced will impact the situation. In this topic, the policy is introduced and time is taken to find out how effective is the proposed policy. . 2 Economist Approach For an economist, usually it decides on how to allocate scarce resources, deciding what to produce, how and for whom. In this case, they will be interested to know if the policy introduced will affect the labor market. With the program introduced, will it eve any significant impact on how the distribution, production, and consumption of might be an increase in new busi nesses emerging from graduates since the school they attended focuses on personal interest and competencies, rather than academic standing of school. On the other hand, there is also a concern whether Singapore will have enough Jobs to support the increase in graduates. 3. Social Science Discipline, Chosen Topic of Study and Hypothesis The social science discipline chosen to discuss in this essay will be sociology and the selected above topic: â€Å"Do people from different background influence they choice of school they go to? †3. 1 Hypothesis With this topic, the hypothesis formed is: â€Å"Having a better background can influence the student’s choice of selecting top school†. 3. Variables They key variables are â€Å"better background†, â€Å"type of students†and â€Å"choice of top school†Independent variable, which can be changed during the study, is â€Å"Background†. Different type of background can be chosen to study anytime. Background is chosen as it can affect the type of school a student enrolls into. Having a better background means student can afford to study in ind ependent school. Dependent variable, which would be measured and counted in the study is â€Å"Choice of top school†. Choice of top school means the results of what the student chosen. Will a student from better background choose to enroll into a normal school because of the extra-curriculum offered or will the student choose a top independent school because he/she knows that they can afford it? This is the variable that is observed during the study. Controlled variable, which is not changed throughout the study, is â€Å"type of students†. The same type of students (graduating students who is at the stage of choosing their schools) is used for this study. It will not be fair if the students used are of different age group as they may have different maturity level in their way of thinking. Choosing the same age group of graduating students to study on the choice of school chosen to enrolled into will be the most desirable. 4. Developing Research Design This is the stage after hypothesis is formed. Decisions must be made about how best to obtain the data through research methods. By personalizing variables, questioned are asked to covert them into a form which is measurable or testable. In this topic, we are discussing about: â€Å"Having a better background can influence the student’s choice of school†. Do student has siblings or friends in the school they are enrolled in? – This is to measure if the choice is affected by other factors such as peers. How many students enrolled in top independent schools come from better background? -This is to measure the past and existing patterns, whether the social structure is built in a way that it influences them to choose the school because ‘it’s the way. 4. 2 Research Methods To test and bolster hypothesis formed, there will be research carried out and the 2 hat will be discussed here will be Survey and Secondary Data Research. 4. . 1 Survey Research This method is used for establishing facts and subjects of research will be a statistically valid sample of a population. A series of questions will be asked to collect the data needed. Questionnaires will be designed in a way that does not lead the subject. No. Question What is the top factor in mind when choosing a school? (a) Affordability (c)Friends/siblings state: 2. (b) Vicinity (d) Rank of school Others, please If given a choice to enroll in any school, will an elite school be your choice? (a) Yes (b) No For both answers, please explain why: 3. Do you think it is important to be in a school you feel socially accepted? (a) Yes Once these questions are designed, the next step is to survey the sample population. This survey can only be used at the point of time when the student is preparing to enroll 4. 2. 2 Secondary Data Research This method of research gathers relevant information on one’s research topic. One will be able to discover what other researchers have written related to that topic and what research methods they have used. It can also be used to obtain other research studies/methods backup or contradict one’s findings. As extracted from Ministry of Education Singapore Preliminary Replies, it shows that there is higher percentage of students from better background in top independent schools. With this backed up from a credible source, it supports the hypothesis that students from better background tend to be influenced and choose a top independent school. 5. Possible outcome of study This study shows that there is a possibility of social gap between the rich and poor in Singapore. Due to the influence that because students that comes from better background are choosing to enroll in brand-name schools, they think they are entitled to enter this school. This is a concern, as this social gap will also affect other factors such as the economic in Singapore. The income between rich and poor might widen, as the poor never got the chance to study in a good school for a better Job in the future. Policymaking is vital in Singapore as it maintain order in a country. It is a good effort to introduce niche program in schools and taking steps to tear down any walls that may reinforce elitism in Singapore. Definitely, there will not be instant results shown on how effect a policy is but people must be willing to accept and give it time to work. How to cite Introduction to Social Sciences, Papers
Goodyear Case Essay Example For Students
Goodyear Case Essay Identification of Strategic Issues and ProblemsIn 1992, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company decided to reconsider the offer from Sears to sell Goodyears Eagle brand tires. The reasons that Goodyear was contemplating this offer was that Sears was replacing worn out Goodyear tires at a large amount every year. The tires were not being replaced with Goodyear tires because the customers at Sears wanted to replace their tires with the best possible tires that Sears offered, and the Goodyear tires were not in the offering. The companys major options in this decision were whether to sell only the Eagle brand tires or all of the Goodyear tire brands. Analysis and EvaluationThe tire industry is global in area and most competitors originate, market and sell their products worldwide. There are ten tire manufacturers that account for 75% of worldwide tire production. Of the ten tire manufacturers, Goodyear is the second largest. The industry divides into two markets: 1. The original equipment tire market and 2. The replacement tire market. The original equipment tires account for 25-30 percent of the companys production each year and the replacement tire market accounts for 70-75 percent of the production each year. Independent tire dealers usually carry the brands of several different major manufacturers and a discount priced private label brand so as to give the replacement buyers an assortment of prices, qualities and brands to chose from. The tire manufacturers decided that it would be profitable to produce a product line of tires to appeal to many buyers by making tires that can be driven under a variety of different road and weather conditions. Goodyears principal business is the development, manufacture, distribution and sale of tires throughout the world. The distribution of tires represented 83% of the companys corporate sales of $10.9 billion in 1991. Around 60% of Goodyear worldwide sales were in the tire replacement market and 40% were to the original equipment market. Because of the Goodyear name, which is one of the best known brand names in the world, the Goodyear tires have been positioned and priced as premium quality brands. It is one of the leading national advertisers in the U.S. The company also operates around 1,000 company owned Goodyear Auto Service Centers and sells through 2,500 franchised Goodyear Tires Dealers in the U.S. These outlets account for a good portion of the companys annual tire sales. RecommendationsBecause of an industry analysis that expects Sears to benefit from carrying Goodyear tires, I think it would be a good idea for Goodyear to sell their tires at Sears stores. The fact that Goodyear is losing many customers to Sears by Sears not offering replacement tires to their customers is becoming a large loss of business for Goodyear. The customers at Sears are returning customers, and feel that the integrity of the company is well represented by the products they offer. For Goodyear to sell their products at the Sears stores, it would show that the Goodyear name stands for quality and that the product can be trusted and is reliable. Chesterton Carpet Mills, Inc. Identification of Strategic Issues and ProblemsIn 1999 Suzanne Goldman, Special Assistant to the President of Chesterton Carpet Mills, Inc., was faced with the decision to establish the companys own distribution centers or wholesale operation based on the position of the industry and competitive position of the company. She was instructed to focus only on residential business and consider sales of 1999. She was to address the strategic and economic aspects of a change in distribution practices. Analysis and EvaluationApproximately $50 billion is spent annually for floorcoverings. The largest category of floor coverings is carpet and rugs, followed by resilient coverings such as vinyl, hardwood, ceramic tile and laminates. .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc , .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .postImageUrl , .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc , .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:hover , .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:visited , .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:active { border:0!important; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:active , .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u414256e19316dd4b234f8a7e55b552bc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cover Up - JFK Essay Industry sales are divided between commercial sales and residential sales. Lack of marketing is often a problem with the decline of U.S companies providing carpet to residential and business customers. The market for U. S. made carpet and rugs is extremely competitive and U.S. manufacturers are experiencing rapid declines in sales. As changes in the carpet and floor covering industry were made one of the biggest changes that had an effect on the entire industry, was when manufacturers started to operate its own retail stores. Many of the chain retail stores dropped these manufacturers and began selling other manufacturers products. Many wholesalers began feeling pressure to shave their profit margins to accommodate retailer-pricing demands. Many of their retail accounts had joined regional retail buying groups and were seeking price breaks comparable to those made possible through their group purchases. This made Chesterton Carpet Mills agree to consider a reduction in its price to wholesalers that could be passes on to retailers. RecommendationsConsidering that wholesalers were threatening to pull their business from Chesterton, and because of the sales figures that would be needed to operate the direct distribution centers it would not be wise at this time to begin operations in this manner. I think that it would be smart for the company to reconsider when the industry becomes less competitive, and a little more stable. Words/ Pages : 883 / 24
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Kids Book Analysis Love You Forever
Love You Forever is one of the most brilliant works by Robert Norman Munsch, a Canadian kid’s writer and storyteller. Although, this book is a part of children’s literature genre, it may be also interesting to lots of adults, both fathers and mothers. Children buy this book for their parents, and parents want to present it to grandparents. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Kid’s Book Analysis: Love You Forever specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In general, everybody would like to buy this book for children, and children want to buy Love You Forever for everybody. It is classis and kind story about a mother and her child. The child grows day by day, and the mother is not tired to remind how much she loves him. Time passes, the child has grown up. Now, his mother is sick and cannot sing for him. It is his time to sing this simple but unbelievably pleasant song to his mother. The creation of this s tory touches many readers. In 1979 and 1980, the author had two stillborn babies. It was a real tragedy as for Munsch as well as for his wife. Robert created a wonderful song for his dead children, and could not sing it for them. Each time he start singing, he could not but cry. During a certain period of time, this song was just a song of a grievous father. But one day, Munsch decided to create a kind of story around this song. It was the beginning of Love You Forever: â€Å"I’ll love you forever/ I’ll like you for always/ As long as I’m living/ My baby you’ll be. (Love You Forever 1) The language, structure, and style of this book are not too complicated. The illustrations created by Sheila McGraw make this story understandable for children. However, to my mind, only parents can understand the real meaning of the words in this story. Children are certainly the greatest blessing any parent can ever get. Even if children can make their parents going cra zy, parents will understand everything and provide with the necessary support any time. The author chooses an interesting way to present the events in the story. â€Å"The boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew†¦ Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older.†(Love You Forever) It is a simple truth that parents cannot be young all the time. Children have nothing to do but observe how their parents grow older and cannot spend all the time together. When the main character of the story, the son, comes to his mother and sees that his mother is sick and cannot continue singing the song, he supports her and finishes the song. What can make the mother happier? Maybe, it is the next gesture of the son. When he comes back his own home, he sings the same song to his newborn daughter. To my mind, it is the climax of the story that makes the readers cry a bit.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get yo ur first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lots of children do not want to appreciate a chance and spend more time with their parents. The author of this book, Robert Munsch, does not have a chance to share his love and care with his own children. This is why he shares all this with his readers. It does not matter whether you are a teenager or a 40-year old man, after you read this amazing story, you cannot but pick up the phone and say to your parents how much you love them. This is what Love You Forever tells us about, and this is what we should do every day – be grateful to our parents for their love and care. Works Cited Munsch, Robert N. and McGraw Sheila. Love Your Forever. Firefly Books, 2003. This essay on Kid’s Book Analysis: Love You Forever was written and submitted by user Amber K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
7 Agenda Items for Your Writing Groups First Meeting
7 Agenda Items for Your Writing Groups First Meeting 7 Agenda Items for Your Writing Group’s First Meeting 7 Agenda Items for Your Writing Group’s First Meeting By Mark Nichol This is the third post on our series about writing groups. You can read the first one here and the second one here. Now, you’ve done it. You’ve launched a writing group, or you’re about to. What now? It’s time to organize. Here’s what to do at the first meeting: 1. Break the Ice Give each member a few minutes to introduce themselves, or try the team-building game Two Truths and a Lie: Have members come prepared to present, with a straight face, three interesting things about them; everyone else votes on which two items are true and which is false (though it can be a variation on the truth or an aspiration). 2. Set a Schedule How often will the group meet? Every week is probably pushing it, so vote on whether sessions will be held every two weeks or monthly. Agree on meeting duration. (Two hours is a good block of time.) Ask members to commit to attending regularly and arriving punctually. 3. Establish Goals What do you and the other members want to get out of the group? Is everyone determined to get published, or is the experience just a way to solicit feedback in a supportive environment and work on writing skills? Make sure everyone has a common ambition. Consider creating a mission statement. 4. Determine Protocol Briefly discuss meeting structure: Does everyone read every time, or do members alternate every two or three meetings? Do members email work in progress in advance so that others can prepare critiques, or do they give cold readings? Will your group alternate between both strategies? Consider having members take turns preparing mini-tutorials based on their experiences or research, like describing the different archetypal characters or sharing a list of plot pitfalls. Or give each person a chance to share an advice tidbit from an accomplished author. 5. Take a Break Allow five or ten minutes halfway through the session for a snack and small talk, but don’t let it drag out. 6. Read Samples Give everyone a chance to read briefly from a work in progress. Have members start right off without a preface and then take a moment to talk about the story. Save critiques for subsequent sessions this is just a chance for everyone to get a taste of others’ writing styles. 7. Plan Ahead Agree on what to do next time: Have everyone email an excerpt to the group a week before the next session, prepare a short selection to read aloud, or plan to bring hard copies of a sample passage to hand out. (Materials for cold readings by writers or others should be no more than a couple of pages; excerpts sent in advance can be longer). Decide what the focus will be each time: crafting an opening scene, establishing character, etc. Focus on technical aspects for a while before delving into content. Coming up: How to run a writing group. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightHow to Play HQ Words: Cheats, Tips and Tricks40 Words Beginning with "Para-"
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Beowulf a Epic Old English Poem
Beowulf a Epic Old English Poem The following article is from the 1911 edition of a famous encyclopedia. BEOWULF. The epic of Beowulf, the most precious relic of Old English, and, indeed, of all early Germanic literature, has come down to us in a single MS., written about A.D. 1000, which contains also the Old English poem of Judith, and is bound up with other MSS. in a volume in the Cottonian collection now at the British Museum. The subject of the poem is the exploits of Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow and nephew of Hygelac, king of the Geatas, i.e. the people, called in Scandinavian records Gautar, from whom a part of southern Sweden has received its present name Gotland. The Story The following is a brief outline of the story, which naturally divides itself into five parts. Beowulf, with fourteen companions, sails to Denmark, to offer his help to Hrothgar, king of the Danes, whose hall (called Heorot ) has for twelve years been rendered uninhabitable by the ravages of a devouring monster (apparently in gigantic human shape) called Grendel, a dweller in the waste, who used nightly to force an entrance and slaughter some of the inmates. Beowulf and his friends are feasted in the long-deserted Heorot. At night the Danes withdraw, leaving the strangers alone. When all but Beowulf are asleep, Grendel enters, the iron-barred doors having yielded in a moment to his hand. One of Beowulfs friends is killed; but Beowulf, unarmed, wrestles with the monster, and tears his arm from the shoulder. Grendel, though mortally wounded, breaks from the conquerors grasp, and escapes from the hall. On the morrow, his bloodstained track is followed until it ends in a distant mere. All fear being now removed, the Danish king and his followers pass the night in Heorot, Beowulf and his comrades being lodged elsewhere. The hall is invaded by Grendels mother, who kills and carries off one of the Danish nobles. Beowulf proceeds to the mere, and, armed with sword and corslet, plunges into the water. In a vaulted chamber under the waves, he fights with Grendels mother and kills her. In the vault he finds the corpse of Grendel; he cuts off the head and brings it back in triumph. Richly rewarded by Hrothgar, Beowulf returns to his native land. He is welcomed by Hygelac, and relates to him the story of his adventures, with some details not contained in the former narrative. The king bestows on him lands and honors, and during the reigns of Hygelac and his son Heardred he is the greatest man in the kingdom. When Heardred is killed in battle with the Swedes, Beowulf becomes king in his stead.After Beowulf has reigned prosperously for fifty years, his country is ravaged by a fiery dragon, which inhabits an ancient burial-mound, full of costly treasure. The royal hall itself is burned to the ground. The aged king resolves to fight, unaided, with the dragon. Accompanied by eleven chosen warriors, he journeys to the barrow. Bidding his companions retire to a distance, he takes up his position near the entrance to the mound - an arched opening whence issues a boiling stream.The dragon hears Beowulfs shout of defiance, and rushes forth, breathing flames. The fight beg ins; Beowulf is all but overpowered, and the sight is so terrible that his men, all but one, seek safety in flight. The young Wiglaf, son of Weohstan, though yet untried in battle, cannot, even in obedience to his lords prohibition, refrain from going to his help. With Wiglafs aid, Beowulf slays the dragon, but not before he has received his own death-wound. Wiglaf enters the barrow and returns to show the dying king the treasures that he has found there. With his last breath Beowulf names Wiglaf his successor, and ordains that his ashes shall be enshrined in a great mound, placed on a lofty cliff, so that it may be a mark for sailors far out at sea. The news of Beowulfs dear-bought victory is carried to the army. Amid great lamentation, the heros body is laid on the funeral pile and consumed. The treasures of the dragons hoard are buried with his ashes; and when the great mound is finished, twelve of Beowulfs most famous warriors ride around it, celebrating the praises of the bravest, gentlest and most generous of kings. The Hero. - Those portions of the poem that are summarized above - that is to say, those which relate the career of the hero in progressive order - contain a lucid and well-constructed story, told with a vividness of imagination and a degree of narrative skill that may with little exaggeration be called Homeric. And yet it is probable that there are few readers of Beowulf who have not felt - and there are many who after repeated perusal continue to feel - that the general impression produced by it is that of a bewildering chaos. This effect is due to the multitude and the character of the episodes. In the first place, a very great part of what the poem tells about Beowulf himself is not presented in regular sequence, but by way of retrospective mention or narration. The extent of the material thus introduced out of course may be seen from the following abstract. When seven years old the orphaned Beowulf was adopted by his grandfather King Hrethel, the father of Hygelac, and was regarded by him with as much affection as any of his own sons. In youth, although famed for his wonderful strength of grip, he was generally despised as sluggish and unwarlike. Yet even before his encounter with Grendel, he had won renown by his swimming contest with another youth named Breca, when after battling for seven days and nights with the waves and slaying many sea-monsters, he came to land in the country of the Finns. In the disastrous invasion of the land of the Hetware, in which Hygelac was killed, Beowulf killed many of the enemies, amongst them a chieftain of the Hugas, named Daghrefn, apparently the slayer of Hygelac. In the retreat he once more displayed his powers as a swimmer, carrying to his ship the armour of thirty slain enemies. When he reached his native land, the widowed queen offered him the kingdom, her son Heardred be ing too young to rule. Beowulf, out of loyalty, refused to be made king and acted as the guardian of Heardred during his minority, and as his counselor after he came to mans estate. By giving shelter to the fugitive Eadgils, a rebel against his uncle the king of the Swain (the Swedes, dwelling to the north of the Gautar), Heardred brought on himself an invasion, in which he lost his life. When Beowulf became king, he supported the cause of Eadgils by force of arms; the king of the Swedes was killed, and his nephew placed on the throne. Historical Value Now, with one brilliant exception - the story of the swimming-match, which is felicitously introduced and finely told - these retrospective passages are brought in more or less awkwardly, interrupt inconveniently the course of the narrative, and are too condensed and allusive in style to make any strong poetic impression. Still, they do serve to complete the portraiture of the heros character. There are, however, many other episodes that have nothing to do with Beowulf himself but seem to have been inserted with a deliberate intention of making the poem into a sort of cyclopedia of Germanic tradition. They include many particulars of what purports to be the history of the royal houses, not only of the Gautar and the Danes, but also of the Swedes, the continental Angles, the Ostrogoths, the Frisians and the Heathobeards, besides references to matters of unlocalized heroic story such as the exploits of Sigismund. The Saxons are not named, and the Franks appear only as a dreaded hostile power. Of Britain there is no mention; and though there are some distinctly Christian passages, they are so incongruous in tone with the rest of the poem that they must be regarded as interpolations. In general the extraneous episodes have no great appropriateness to their context, and have the appearance of being abridged versions of stories that had been related at length in poetry. Their confusing effect, for modern readers, is increased by a curiously irrelevant prologue. It begins by celebrating the ancient glories of the Danes, tells in allusive style the story of Scyld, the founder of the Scylding dynasty of Denmark, and praises the virtues of his son Beowulf. If this Danish Beowulf had been the hero of the poem, the opening would have been appropriate; but it seems strangely out of place as an introduction to the story of his namesake. However detrimental these redundancies may be to the poetic beauty of the epic, they add enormously to its interest for students of Germanic history or legend. If the mass of traditions which it purports to contain be genuine, the poem is of unique importance as a source of knowledge respecting the early history of the peoples of northern Germany and Scandinavia. But the value to be assigned to Beowulf in this respect can be determined only by ascertaining its probable date, origin, and manner of composition. The criticism of the Old English epic has therefore for nearly a century been justly regarded as indispensable to the investigation of Germanic antiquities. The starting-point of all Beowulf criticism is the fact (discovered by N. F. S. Grundtvig in 1815) that one of the episodes of the poem belongs to authentic history. Gregory of Tours, who died in 594, relates that in the reign of Theodoric of Metz (511 - 534) the Danes invaded the kingdom, and carried off many captives and much plunder to their ships. Their king, whose name appears in the best MSS. as Chlochilaicus (other copies read Chrochilaicus, Hrodolaicus, c.), remained on shore intending to follow afterward, but was attacked by the Franks under Theodobert, son of Theodoric, and killed. The Franks then defeated the Danes in a naval battle and recovered the booty. The date of these events is ascertained to have been between 512 and 520. An anonymous history is written early in the eighth century (Liber Hist. Francorum, cap. 19) gives the name of the Danish king as Chochilaicus, and says that he was killed in the land of the Attoarii. Now it is related in Beowulf that Hygelac met his death in fighting against the Franks and the Hetware (the Old English form of Attoarii). The forms of the Danish kings name given by the Frankish historians are corruptions of the name of which the primitive Germanic form was Hugilaikaz, and which by regular phonetic change became in Old English Hygelac, and in Old Norse Hugleikr. It is true that the invading king is said in the histories to have been a Dane, whereas the Hygelac of Beowulf belonged to the Geatas or Gautar. But a work called Liber Monstrorum, preserved in two MSS. of the 10th century, cites as an example of extraordinary stature a certain Huiglaucus, king of the Getae, who was killed by the Franks, and whose bones were preserved on an island at the mouth of the Rhine, and exhibited as a marvel. It is therefore evident that the personality of Hygelac, and the expedition in which, according to Beowulf, he died, belong not to the region of legend or poetic invention, but to that of historic fact. This noteworthy result suggests the possibility that what the poem tells of Hygelacs near relatives, and of the events of his reign and that of his successor, is based on historic fact. There is really nothing to forbid the supposition; nor is there any unlikelihood in the view that the persons mentioned as belonging to the royal houses of the Danes and Swedes had a real existence. It can be proved, at any rate, that several of the names are 1 Printed in Berger de Xivrey, Traditions Teratologiques (1836), from a MS. in private hands. Another MS., now at Wolfenbiittel, reads Hunglacus for Huiglaucus, and (ungrammatically) gentes for Getis. derived from the native traditions of these two peoples. The Danish king Hrothgar and his brother Halga, the sons of Healfdene, appear in the Historia Danica of Saxo as Roe (the founder of Roskilde) and Helgo, the sons of Haldanus. The Swedish princes Eadgils, son of Ohthere, and Onela, who are mentioned in Beowulf,à ‚ are in the Icelandic Heimskringla called Adils son of Ottarr, and Ali; the correspondence of the names, according to the phonetic laws of Old English and Old Norse, being strictly normal. There are other points of contact between Beowulf on the one hand and the Scandinavian records on the other, confirming the conclusion that the Old English poem contains much of the historical tradition of the Gautar, the Danes and the Swedes, in its purest accessible form. Of the hero of the poem, no mention has been found elsewhere. But the name (the Icelandic form of which is Bjolfr) is genuinely Scandinavian. It was borne by one of the early settlers in Iceland, and a monk named Biuulf is commemorated in the Liber Vitae of the church of Durham. As the historical character of Hygelac has been proved, it is not unreasonable to accept the authority of the poem for the statement that his nephew Beowulf succeeded Heardred on the throne of the Gautar, and interfered in the dynastic quarrels of the Swedes. His swimming exploit among the Hetware, allowance being made for poetic exaggeration, fits remarkably well into the circumstances of the story told by Gregory of Tours; and perhaps his contest with Breca may have been an exaggeration of a real incident in his career; and even if it was originally related of some other hero, its attribution to the historical Beowulf may have been occasioned by his renown as a swimmer. On the other hand, it would be absurd to imagine that the combats with Grendel and his mother and with the fiery dragon can be exaggerated representations of actual occurrences. These exploits belong to the domain of pure mythology. That they have been attributed to Beowulf, in particular, might seem to be adequately accounted for by the general tendency to connect mythical achievements with the name of any famous hero. There are, however, some facts that seem to point to a more definite explanation. The Danish king Scyld Scefing, whose story is told in the opening lines of the poem, and his son Beowulf, are plainly identical with Sceldwea, son of Sceaf, and his son Beaw, who appear among the ancestors of Woden in the genealogy of the kings of Wessex given in the Old English Chronicle. The story of Scyld is related, with some details not found in Beowulf, by William of Malmesbury, and, less fully, by the 10th-century English historian Ethelwerd, though it is told not of Scyld himself, but of his father Sceaf. According to Williams version, Sceaf was found, as an infant, alone in a boat without oars, which had drifted to the island of Scandza. The child was asleep with his head on a sheaf, and from this circumstance, he obtained his name. When he grew up he reigned over the Angles at Slaswic. In Beowulf the same story is told of Scyld, with the addition that when he died his body was placed in a ship, laden with rich treasure, which was sent out to sea unguided. It is clear that in the original form of the tradition the name of the foundling was Scyld or Sceldwea, and that his cognomenScefing (derived from sceaf, a sheaf) was misinterpreted as a patronymic. Sceaf, therefore, is no genuine personage of tradition, but merely an etymological figment. The position of Sceldwea and Beaw (in Malmesburys Latin called Sceldius and Beowius) in the genealogy as anterior to Woden would not of itself prove that they belong to divine mythology and not to heroic legend. But there are independent reasons for believing that they were originally gods or demi-gods. It is a reasonable conjecture that the tales of victories over Grendel and the fiery dragon belong properly to the myth of Beaw. If Beowulf, the champion of the Gautar, had already become a theme of epic song, the resemblance of name might easily suggest the idea of enriching history by adding to it the achievements of Beaw. At the same time, the tradition that the hero of these adventures was a son of Scyld, who was identified (whether rightly or wrongly) with the eponymus of the Danish dynasty of the Scyldings, may well have prompted the supposition that they took place in Denmark. There is, as we shall see afterwards, some ground for believing that there were circulated in England two rival poetic versions of the story of the encounters with supernatural beings: the one referring them to Beowulf the Dane, while the other (represented by the existing poem) attached them to the legend of the son of Ecgtheow, but ingeniously contrived to do some justice to the alternative tradition by laying the scene of the Grendel incident at the court of a Scylding king. As the name of Beaw appears in the genealogies of English kings, it seems likely that the traditions of his exploits may have been brought over by the Angles from their continental home. This supposition is confirmed by evidence that seems to show that the Grendel legend was popularly current in this country. In the schedules of boundaries appended to two Old English charters there occurs mention of pools called Grendels mere, one in Wiltshire and the other in Staffordshire. The charter that mentions the Wiltshire Grendels mere speaks also of a place called Beowan ham (Beowas home), and another Wiltshire charter has a Scylds tree among the landmarks enumerated. The notion that ancient burial mounds were liable to be inhabited by dragons was common in the Germanic world: there is perhaps a trace of it in the Derbyshire place-name Drakelow, which means dragons barrow. While, however, it thus appears that the mythic part of the Beowulf story is a portion of primeval Angle traditio n, there is no proof that it was originally peculiar to the Angles; and even if it was so, it may easily have passed from them into the poetic cycles of the related peoples. There are, indeed, some reasons for suspecting that the blending of the stories of the mythic Beaw and the historical Beowulf may have been the work of Scandinavian and not of English poets. Prof. G. Sarrazin has pointed out the striking resemblance between the Scandinavian legend of Bodvarr Biarki and that of the Beowulf of the poem. In each, a hero from Gautland slays a destructive monster at the court of a Danish king, and afterwards is found fighting on the side of Eadgils (Adils) in Sweden. This coincidence cannot well be due to mere chance; but its exact significance is doubtful. On the one hand, it is possible that the English epic, which unquestionably derived its historical elements from Scandinavian song, may be indebted to the same source for its general plan, including the blending of history and myth. On the other hand, considering the late date of the authority for the Scandinavian traditions, we cannot be sure that the latter may not owe some of their material to English minstrels. There are similar alternative possibilities with regard to the explanation of the striking resemblances which certain incidents of the adventures with Grendel and the dragon bear to incidents in the narratives of Saxo and the Icelandic sagas. Date and Origin It is now time to speak of the probable date and origin of the poem. The conjecture that most naturally presents itself to those who have made no special study of the question, is that an English epic treating of the deeds of a Scandinavian hero on Scandinavian ground must have been composed in the days of Norse or Danish dominion in England. This, however, is impossible. The forms under which Scandinavian names appear in the poem show clearly that these names must have entered English tradition not later than the beginning of the 7th century. It does not indeed follow that the extant poem is of so early a date, but its syntax is remarkably archaic in comparison with that of the Old English poetry of the 8th century. The hypothesis that Beowulf is in whole or in part a translation from a Scandinavian original, although still maintained by some scholars, introduces more difficulties than it solves and must be dismissed as untenable. The limits of this article do not permit us to state and criticize the many elaborate theories that have been proposed respecting the origin of the poem. All that can be done is to set forth the view that appears to us to be most free from objection. It may be premised that although the existing MS. is written in the West-Saxon dialect, the phenomena of the language indicate transcription from an Anglian (i.e. a Northumbrian or Mercian) original; and this conclusion is supported by the fact that while the poem contains one important episode relating to the Angles, the name of the Saxons does not occur in it at all. In its original form, Beowulf was a product of the time when poetry was composed not to be read, but to be recited in the halls of kings and nobles. Of course, ​an entire epic could not be recited on a single occasion; nor can we suppose that it would be thought out from beginning to end before any part of it was presented to an audience. A singer who had pleased his hearers with a tale of adventure would be called on to tell them of earlier or later events in the career of the hero; and so the story would grow, until it included all that the poet knew from tradition, or could invent in harmony with it. That Beowulf is concerned with the deeds of a foreign hero is less surprising than it seems at first sight. The minstrel of early Germanic times was required to be learned not only in the traditions of his own people but also in those of the other peoples with whom they felt their kinship. He had a double task to perform. It was not enough that his songs should give pleasure; his patrons demanded that he should recount faithfully the history and genealogy both of their own line and of those other royal houses who shared with them the same divine ancestry, and who might be connected with them by ties of marriage or warlike alliance. Probably the singer was always himself an original poet; he might often be content to reproduce the songs that he had learned, but he was doubtless free to improve or expand them as he chose, provided that his inventions did not conflict with what was supposed to be historical truth. For all we know, the intercourse of the Angles with Scandinavia, which enabled their poets to obtain new knowledge of the legends of Danes, Gautar, and Swedes, may not have ceased until their conversion to Christianity in the 7th century. And even after this event, whatever may have been the attitude of churchmen towards the old heathen poetry, the kings and warriors would be slow to lose their interest in the heroic tales that had delighted their ancestors. It is probable that down to the end of the 7th century, if not still later, the court poets of Northumbria and Mercia continued to celebrate the deeds of Beowulf and of many another hero of ancient days. This article is from the 1911 edition of an encyclopedia, which is out of copyright here in the U.S. See the encyclopedia main page for disclaimer and copyright information.
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