Essays for college admission
"Autobiography Essay Topics"
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Anti Dress Code Essay -- essays research papers
School is in the 'matter' of learning. School is where the following legal advisors, investors, CPA's and Doctors are given the essentials of working in this economy. One of the nuts and bolts of our way of life in the working scene is traditionalist dressing, clothing regulation, or even outfits. What's going on with sending our children the message that they are in 'the matter of learning' by upholding clothing standards?      School is additionally where the following on-screen characters, scholars, specialists, lawmakers, creators, architects and performers are prepared. School garbs send a reasonable early-life message to understudies that congruity is significant and innovativeness isn't, that authority is permitted to mishandle it's capacity and compel our established option to free discourse and articulation. Understudies gain from regalia that their singularity, political feelings and strict rights are immaterial, just like their training: understudies are routinely suspended for resistance to the uniform code regardless of whether their school work is incredible. On the off chance that uniform-requiring schools were quite 'the matter of learning' this would not happen. Numerous advocates state that school garbs help to decrease the measure of rough out explosions of posse individuals in schools. To them I state why don’t we dispose of the pack individuals. Why don’t we essentially place these pack individuals that are so pervasive into a progressively reasonable learning condition, similar to training camp. On the off chance that you go out and look there is little exploration done to demonstrate that school viol...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Science of Stars
Stars are all around perceived cosmic articles in our nearby planetary group and speak to building squares of worlds. The history and elements of a star in a system relies upon its age, appropriation, and organization. The stars are answerable for components, for example, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. A star’s life starts extremely little, in the same way as other more things known to man. They start as, aside from whatever else, particles in dust storms and gas. They stay cold for a very long time. The unsettling influence of a comet or other item that travels through the cloud will at that point cause particles to impact and clusters will start to shape. Throughout a million years, clusters will develop into what we call â€Å"protostar†and attract more gases and become considerably more blazing. This is the way stars are shaped and is a point in a star’s life. Stargazers decide arrangement, shading, and temperature of stars and other far off items with a basic instrument called a spectroscopy. Stargazers have utilized this instrument since the 1800’s to break down radiated light spectra. At the point when a star emits light and the light parts by crystal, the otherworldly example mirrors a star’s arrangement. All stars are 95% hydrogen, so the varieties in organization uncover its age, iridescence, and cause. Organization of gases can be controlled by watching the light of a star. Space experts can decide the temperature of a star from its shading and its range. All stars have various hues. They have various hues because of its light radiation. There are a couple of various ways space experts can decide a star’s temperature. One path is to gauge a star’s shading. They utilize three channels that transmit light in three distinctive frequency ranges. Space experts at that point take the force proportion of the light. Another approach to decide the temperature of a star is to look at the ghastly lines in the starlight. Study of Stars3 Astronomers additionally utilize an apparatus called the electromagnetic range to decide the structure, temperature, speed, and turn pace of stars and other far off items. Turn rates are estimated by utilizing telescopes or space tests. Space experts pick a specific element on an object and afterward decide to what extent the component takes to move from one side to the opposite side. For a model, the Sun has a revolution pace of around 25 days. One planet in our close planetary system that is hard for stargazers to watch turn rate is Earth. That is on the grounds that we live on Earth and pivot with it. As stars progress through their lives they move around in the H-R chart since their properties change over some stretch of time. In the H-R graph it plots iridescence, ghostly sort, and furthermore temperature. In the event that a star is plotted higher up on the graph on the vertical plane, this implies the stars are more splendid. On the off chance that a star is plotted in the even plane to one side, this implies these stars are the most sweltering. Stars burn through a large portion of their lifetime in what is known as the principle arrangement in the H-R outline. In this period of a star’s life, they consume hydrogen into helium. Likewise now, the star’s size and iridescence stay steady in light of the fact that their powers have arrived at a close balance. Stars will stay in the principle succession until they arrive at a specific mass. Stars that are called supergiants in the H-R graph and lie along the upper right are radiant and cool. The stars that are called white diminutive people and are plotted at the base left of the outline are fainter, more sweltering stars. The red goliath stars are the stars of incredible radiance and size. They structure a thick flat band that joins the principle arrangement. All the stars on the H-R outline are plotted by their shading evenly and their radiance vertically. All the hues are coded from O (blue), B (blue), A (blue-white), F (white), G (yellow), K (orange), and M (red). Study of Stars4 In the focal point of our nearby planetary group lies a star called â€Å"the Sun†. Its shading is white, yet appears to us on Earth as yellow and is viewed as a principle grouping star. The existence pattern of the Sun, much the same as some other star begins with a haze of gas and residue made for the most part out of hydrogen crumples under gravitational powers. It was shaped around 4. 5 billion years prior dictated by researchers utilizing the Sun’s momentum principle succession age. At the present time, the Sun is accepted to be partially through its fundamental grouping advancement. The Sun ought to go through around 10 billion years as a fundamental arrangement star. It will enter the red mammoth stage in around 5 billion years. When it ranges to be a goliath star stage, the Sun will have lost about 30% of its mass because of a heavenly wind. The circles of the planets will move outward at that point. In the long run our Earth will be gulped by the Sun. The Sun living in the fundamental arrangement is continuously getting increasingly radiant and its temperature is gradually rising. After the red mammoth stage, the Sun’s external layers will be misled. It will cool and blur into the white midget stage. Starting at the present moment, the Sun’s life cycle is the primary grouping stage. It is viewed as moderately aged at 4. 5 billion years of age. The Sun is at present combining hydrogen in its center and has been for the last 5,000 million years, and it is required to keep intertwining hydrogen for in any event another 4,000 million years. The principle arrangement stage is the longest and most stable period of its reality and this stage keeps going around 10 billion years for a star. The principle succession is additionally the primary phase of a star in the wake of turning into a star, directly after the protostar stage. The accompanying stage after the fundamental arrangement stage would be the red goliath stage. I have now talked about in this paper how space experts decide structure, temperature, speed, and pivot pace of inaccessible items. I clarified the properties of the stars in the H-R Science of Stars5 outline, summed up the existence pattern of the Sun, and furthermore expressed where the Sun is at present in its life cycle.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards: Website Lesson Plans Edwina Schweitzer Grand Canyon University: EED 364 November 25, 2012 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is a board that has set up gauges that are to be followed and clung to while making scientific exercise plans. These principles are national and require a great deal of the instructors to the extent what and how they educate math. While there are numerous decisions of exercise designs that help the measures set by the NCTM in regards to number sense and activities, just four will be utilized to satisfy the accompanying standards. . Four exercise plans were picked to outline the help of the NCTM principles: A. Critical thinking: Math, scene 1, (Discovery Education, n. d. ) is an exercise plan that assists understudies with understanding the significance of numbers. In this exercise the goals are to show the understudies the significance of numbers in math, and show instances of how they are utilized in regular day to day existence. The understudies begin by viewing the video, Problem-comprehending: Math, scene 1, and afterward discussing the entirety of the numbers that they find in the study hall, for example, the numbers on a clock or what number of paint brushes or windows there are.The understudies are then approached to envision a world without numbers and give thoughts of how things would be extraordinary. They are then solicited to record models from how they have utilized numbers, for example, isolating candy among companions, being preferred choice, or being estimated at the specialist. They are then approached to impart these guides to the class and post them as a token of the significance of numbers in their regular day to day existences. B.Activity 3: Exploring the impact of procedure on decimals, (Illuminations, 2000-2012) is an exercise plan that offers understudies the chance to â€Å"explore the impacts of expansion, deduction, duplication, a nd division on decimal numbers. †This exercise gives a Maze Playing Board sheet that permits understudies to play a game while clearing their path through the labyrinth. The object of the labyrinth is to complete the labyrinth with the most noteworthy decimal number. Instances of expansion, deduction, increase, and division of decimal numbers are appeared on an overhead projector for the understudies to see as a visual aid.This action requires the utilization of the adding machine, which gives work on utilizing an adding machine while messing around with a labyrinth. The understudies are then placed into gatherings of three to talk about their outcomes. C. I’ll divide s’more please!! (Jackson, n. d. ) is an exercise plan that utilizations divisions to comprehend questions gave in a PBS scene of Cyberchase, entitled Zeus unhindered. The understudies watch the scene and afterward use divisions to unravel the conundrums while learning the pieces of the parts and th eir significance in ordinary life.There is a present that is incorporated with the exercise plan and a rundown of materials, including s’mores fixings, enormous numbers and a bar of paper cut out for fragmentary use. D. Life is Full of Problems, (Young, n. d. ) is an exercise plan that causes understudies figure out how to peruse, decipher, and devise an answer for math issues. This exercise requires the utilization of mental comprehending, paper and pencil, and adding machine use. The understudies figure out how to twofold check their responses for right systems and arrangements. There are a few thoughts recorded in this exercise plan that may fit into any assorted classroom.This is an exercise plan that is especially useful for empowering mental illuminating of mathematic conditions. While the psychological illuminating is endeavored first, they may check their psychological answers by working the issue out on paper, at that point twofold taking a look at themselves with th e number cruncher. This joins three unique methods for critical thinking, and not just shows the significance of mental abilities, it empowers the understudies to get done with the utilization of adding machines. 2. The technique of number sense is utilized in every one of the exercise designs in different manners. Critical thinking: Math, scene 1, (Discovery Education, n. . ) incorporates a jargon list that the others don't. â€Å"Vocabulary is a fundamental piece of building up the aptitudes and ideas important to disclose answers for problems,†(Camelot Learning, n. d. ). The entirety of the exercises utilize number significance and give exercises to improve this significance. Despite the fact that a portion of these exercises might not have jargon words to go with the exercise, they could be fused into them. On the off chance that the higher evaluations definitely realize the jargon words for the exercises being educated, they could be a boost with the goal that the under studies remembered them. 3.The exercises that were remembered for these exercise plans incorporate scientific tasks, for example, expansion, deduction, increase and division of decimals and portions. Adding machines are utilized in two of the exercises, and the significance of the utilization of numbers is underlined in all exercises. Critical thinking methods are given as models and the understudies are urged to enhance them through the fruition of the exercises. One exercise plan even incorporates a S’mores nibble in the action. Understudies would get the opportunity to work with S’mores, however eat them a short time later! 4.These sites are fitting for K-fifth grade understudies, contingent on the exercise being educated and the degree to which the educator might want to train it. The entirety of the exercise plans are versatile for understudies, yet reviews 3-6 appeared to be the best to profit by them as they are recorded. Two or three the exercise plans included varieties that could be made less complex or progressively troublesome, contingent on the evaluation and required trouble level. This variety in trouble is likewise useful for the separation of the understudies. 5. The exercise designs all gave plans to separated instruction.These were additionally thoughts that could be utilized for various evaluation levels, contingent on how top to bottom the instructor needed to go. Little gatherings were relegated to talk about the aftereffects of a portion of the exercises. This could be useful with those understudies that have more noteworthy difficulties and may battle with their exercises. A portion of these exercises could be made accomplice exercises to help ELL understudies or those that may will in general be more slow scholastically. 6. These exercise plans are imperative to the student’s comprehension of science since the entirety of the exercise plans contained indispensable information on the significance of numbers in ordin ary life.The understudies need to become familiar with the parts of these exercises to be effective at anything throughout everyday life, as they are fundamental however significant segments. These exercises show the understudies how numbers encompass them and that without numbers their reality would not be the equivalent by any means. They continually use numbers consistently, directly down to their telephone number, address, age, size of garments, and how tall they are. By giving the instances of this and afterward giving the chance to hands on exercises to outline this significance, the understudies might be less inclined to offer the remarks, â€Å"Why do I need to become familiar with this? I will never utilize this! 7. The exercises inside the exercise plans could improve understudy accomplishment by giving the visual, hands on exercises essential for understudy comprehension and development. By permitting the understudies to take an interest in the exercises and have a great time, they will recall the idea being shown better since they have seen how significant it is and have learned by the pleasant exercises gave. The accomplishment of the understudies can be far more prominent when they are permitted to take an interest in hands on exercises rather than essentially being addressed on a specific idea. It is consistently simpler to recall something when you had some good times doing it.This rule is the equivalent with exercises. The more open doors for the understudies to do exercises or games that relate to the exercise, the better possibility the understudies need to recall the idea being educated. This is just a triumph developer in scholastics. 8. Manipulatives were utilized in these exercises somewhat. The Problem-explaining: Math, Episode 1 exercise plan could utilize a couple of more thoughts for manipulative use. Where the understudies were approached to check out the study hall and discover things that contained numbers, they could pick things from the homeroom to add up to one to ten items.This should be possible by tallying out one book, two pieces of paper, three markers, four pastels, and so on. Manipulatives might be changed or expanded in any of the exercise plans, contingent on the educator and how he/she decides to give them. The four exercise designs that were picked and portrayed all hold fast to the guidelines set up by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Every exercise plan had the NCTM connect or recorded guidelines remembered for the body of the exercise plans. These measures are significant for educators to know about and use while making exercise plans for mathematic instruction.By having these guidelines set up and utilizing them, the entirety of the understudies will have a similar accentuation and significance put on number sense and tasks, paying little mind to review level or school. Reference Camelot Learning. (n. d. ). Camelot learning math intercession educational program. Reco vered November 25, 2012 from http://www. camelotlearning. com/why-camelot/strategy. Revelation Education. (n. d. ). Critical thinking: Math, scene 1. Disclosure training. Recovered November 25, 2012 from http://www. discoveryeducation. com/educators/free-exercise plans/critical thinking math-scene 1. cfmIlluminations. (2000-2012). Movement 3: Exploring the impact of procedure on decimals. Enlightenments. Recovered November 24, 2012 from http://enlightenments. nctm. organization/LessonDetail. aspx? id=L252. Jackson, C. (n. d. ). I’ll split s’more please!! National instructor preparing establishment. Recovered November 25, 2012 from http://www. thirteen. organization/edonline/ntti/assets/exercises/m_half/record. html Young, K. (n. d. ). Life is brimming with issues. Recovered November 25, 2012 from http://www. learningpt. organization/pdfs/mscLessonPlans/youthful. pdf �
Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism
Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism Nipah Virus and the Potential for Bioterrorism Presentation Bioterrorism is viewed as one of the most discussed issues with respect to national security since the commencement of the new thousand years. On September 11, 2001 (9/11) fear mongering hit the United States with the smashing and endeavored slamming of planes into huge financial and political structures. This demonstration of dread was a critical starting to fears of what was next from psychological oppressor gatherings. Despite the fact that this was not the first, and certainly not the last, psychological militant danger or endeavor it was certainly the most significant and verifiably caused dread, frenzy and social interruption considerably less monetary issues comprehensively. Inside days of the 9/11 assaults the attention to American weakness turned out to be progressively clear with the media exposure of the Anthrax alarms. This achieved worldwide worries with bioterrorism as envelopes that were loaded up with Bacillus anthracis spores were sent to political and media sources all through the United States and twenty-two individuals were contaminated and five passings happened (Ryan Glarum, 2008). Nipah is only one of numerous infections that are accessible to psychological oppressor bunches for advancement as a bioweapon. In 1999 this infection was first seen and noted as handily spread to people through inward breath and ingestion. Despite the fact that there are numerous potential pathogens accessible, the Nipah infection has demonstrated itself to be one of the most perilous and profitable . As the Nipah infection advanced there was dread noted by laborers, families and social insurance suppliers in southern Asia. With a death pace of 40% to 100% (Lam, 2002; World Health Organization [WHO], 2009) in tainted regions, and a monetary effect that cost a few millions to Malaysias economy, this infection has potential for huge bioterrorism. Common History The Nipah Virus (NiV), family paramyxoviridae, was first perceived in Malaysia, South Asia in late 1998 into Spring 1999. This malady was perceived when an episode of affliction and demise happened among pig ranchers, it contaminated 265 individuals, with 105 passings, a death pace of around 40% (Lam, 2002). This infection was new to mainstream researchers and first idea to be Japanese Encephalitis (JE) which had happened in around a similar area years sooner. JE was additionally noted to taint individuals that were around tamed pigs, much the same as the as of now distinguished Nipah Virus (Center for Disease Control [CDC], 2001). The Nipah infection was found to likewise have comparable side effects as those of the Hendra Virus which caused respiratory sickness and encephalitis in Australia in 1994 (Fraser, 2009). The Nipah infection is considered by the CDC as a recently developing pathogen that could be designed for mass scattering (Ryan Glarum, 2008; Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.). Since the beginning of the Nipah infection in 1999, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been twelve huge flare-ups since the underlying, with 202 people contaminated and lost existence of 146 people, mortality of over 72%. Two of these episodes, one in India in 2007 and one in Bangladesh in 2008 had death paces of 100%, indicating the staggering impacts of this infection (WHO, 2009). The underlying examination of the Nipah infection found that abattoir laborers who managed pigs day by day and those that were uncovered through cultivating and shipping pigs were getting sick. As the examination proceeded with it found that the pigs were tainting the laborers (zoonotic infection). After disclosure, in this way over 1.1 million pigs were discarded to suppress the transmission of the infection. This decimation of pigs was altogether crushing to the economy of Malaysia taking note of an expected loss of $217 million dollars (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 104). Infection Transference The Nipah infection have was seen as pteropid bats (flying foxes), situated in Australia and the southern territories of Asia. During extension of ranches toward the rainforests and the obliteration of the rainforest for assembling and industry, numerous animals including bats needed to migrate to endure. Many pig ranchers in Malaysia additionally had enormous natural product plantations arranged close to the pig nooks, as development of pig cultivating proceeded and the loss of living space for bats continued to change bats began to search the close by plantations for food. As this movement proceeded there was an expanded possibility of ailment tainting to household creatures from natural life, and as such a noteworthy increment in contact among pigs and bats. In this way, more prominent open door for transmission of the Nipah infection (â€Å"Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returnsâ€Å", 2005). As the Nipah infection was examined it was accepted to have been transmitted to pigs from bats through the salivation, pee and excrement of the bats which feed and home in nearby plantations (â€Å"Dr. Jonathan Epstein Returnsâ€Å", 2005), close to pig pens. This potential transmission presumably happened when bat discharges fell into the pig pens and were ingested by these tamed creatures. The underlying human infection episode in Malaysia and Singapore was accepted to have been from direct contact with wiped out pigs or their meat items, and could have originated from the utilization of polluted organic product or juices from the plantations. As the infection advanced and explore was done there was a built up interface noticing individual to-individual sullying through close contact (World Health Organization [WHO], 2009) Physiology of Exposure The Nipah infection appears to have a wide range of clinical indications in singular creatures and people. There is an expansive scope of center signs that can highlight infection contamination that influence analysts and social insurance suppliers to not perceive examples of introductory contamination, subsequently not perceiving potential ailment flare-ups. As indicated by the WHO (2009), the hatching time frame (interim from contamination to beginning of manifestations) differs from four to 45 days. This critical range makes it unimaginably difficult to follow the infection between beginning presentation and clinical treatment. Perceiving that the individual is giving indications of an infection, and narrowing down the particular infection, at that point treating it properly for an individual is a test however attainable. Yet, with such a wide brooding period there is a likelihood that reasonable data could be lost or not took note. The physiological side effects of this infection in people is portrayed by vague signs and indications to incorporate serious migraine, fever, heaving, myalgia (solid torment) confusion, respiratory sicknesses, neurological shortfalls and encephalitis and by and large may cause trance like state or demise (Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy [CIDRAP], 2009). In pigs there is portrayal of signs and side effects relying upon the age of the creature. The fundamental signs noted are fever, brevity of breath, muscle jerking, trembling, back leg shortcoming, extreme hacking, open-mouth breathing, strange acting and seizures (CIDRAP, 2009). After beginning presentation and treatment follow-up inquire about was done and in this investigation it was noticed that there were backslides in facility side effects to incorporate encephalitis up to twenty after two months, without re-introduction. The examination and that an expected 160 patients who recuperated from intense encephalitis and 89 patients who experienced asymptomatic contamination got follow-up care for ‘late-beginning encephalitis (neurological signs happening just because at least ten weeks after starting disease) or ‘relapsed encephalitis (neurological indications after recuperation from intense encephalitis) (Halpin Mungall, 2007, p. 290). Host Sources The Nipah Virus source originates from Pteropus natural product bats (AKA: Flying Foxes), which are found in Southern Asia and Australia. In 1997 natural product bats were noted to start rummaging on blossoms and nectar in trees situated close to plantations bordering to contaminated zones (Cobey, 2005). Organic product bats were seen as the normal wellspring of this infection and made the exchange of the infection pigs and individuals. As trained pigs were sold for rearing and moved to different ranches the infection was immediately dispersed further all through southern Asia (Cobey, 2005). Conceivable Use in Biowarfare Biowarfare, and nowadays bioterrorism, is a danger that started before the introduction of Christ. As indicated by Dr. Michael D. Phillips, M.D. one of the principal recorded episodes [of bioterrorism]was in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians utilized rye ergot, a component of the organism Claviceps purpurea, which contains mycotoxins. Rye ergot was utilized by Assyria to harm the wells of their foes, with restricted achievement (Phillips, 2005, p. 32). Utilization of pathogens to instigate disorder, passing or dread has proceeded until present time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recorded the Nipah infection as a basic natural specialist, Category C. Class C specialists are rising pathogens that could be built for mass spread later on due to: * Availability * Ease of creation and spread * Potential for high horribleness and death rates and significant wellbeing sway (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], n.d.,  ¶ 3; (Ryan Glarum, 2008, p. 105)) With this order the infection is a living pathogen that can be created as a bioweapon with the correct information, and hardware. For the infection to be weaponized it should be cleansed, balanced out and appropriately measured. Since this is a living infection the bioterrorist specialist can be repeated once spread (Ryan Glarum, 2008). As of now, there is no data about how this infection could be fabricated to turn into a bioterrorist specialist, yet with the correct information the potential is there. Creation Methods Since the Nipah infection has demonstrated to be spread through emissions from bats and pigs, and appeared to cause serious disease and demise it can conceivably be utilized as a bioterrorist operator
Friday, August 21, 2020
Silicone Breast Implants essays
Silicone Breast Implants papers In a womans life, her bosoms are critical to her from various perspectives. They can add to her confidence, appearance, and sexual fulfillment. Today plastic medical procedure is performed for the most part for restorative reasons. It has been misjudged for a delight medical procedure. Having taken the whole measure of plastic specialists, just modest quantities limit their training to simply corrective activities. Lady who decide to have bosom inserts do as such for some reasons. It may be because of a mishap or even a malignant growth understanding. Ladies that have malignant growth or are recouping from disease for the most part have this strategy since it was necessay for them to have a mastectomy. After either of a womens bosom have been evacuated this individual decides to have silicone inserts to give them a sentiment of completeness again alongside numerous other individual reasons. For different patients, bosom inserts are an elective medical procedure. These pre-operation patients have a few choices that should be thoroughly considered completely. A couple are: the costs (clinical insurance agencies don't ordinarily pay for this activity), the kind of embed (saline, silicone or twofold lumen), the size of the embed, the state of the bosom, should it be in front or behind the muscle, by what means should the specialist put in the embed (through the wrinkle under the bosom, the areola, the armpit, or midsection button), how legitimate the specialist is (has the person in question done this activity previously and if so how frequently and what were the outcomes). With a lot more inquiries this individual needs to pose to themselves, they should likewise consider the dangers that go connected at the hip with their choice. After a lady has settled on a choice to feel free to have bosom inserts there are some significant inquiries that she should pose to her primary care physician. One, is this specialist board affirmed? Next, does the specialist have medical clinic permission and move benefits in the event that there is a ton of agony after the medical procedure? At that point, make... <!
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Just Dance!
Just Dance! In its 149 years of existence, MIT has been involved with many of the worlds firsts . This past weekend, MIT dived into yet another: the first intercollegiate Indian classical dance competition in the northeast! Through a collaboration with Boston Universitys dance team, Dheem, MIT Natya put on a show called Laasya, which means dance in Sanskrit. We had competitors from Penn, Rutgers, Harvard, Case Western, Johns Hopkins, and UMaryland; it felt nice to meet others who cared as much about dance as I did. As the host school, we didnt actually compete in the contest; we did, however, perform the opening number: Im really proud of this video! We practiced sooo much for this performance. It seriously feels as though I spent more of last week in dance practice than I did in class. Most everyone on MIT Natya has been walking around with bags underneath their eyes for quite some time now. Saturday (the day of our show) was particularly chaotic, though I admittedly had fun using the Build Your Own Pizza app on the Dominos website to order pizza for all the teams. MIT Natya is one of several dance teams on campus; I chose to be a part of it because Indian classical dance has been a part of my life for well over ten years now. Its been a huge outlet for me, an activity that compresses all of my pent-up frustration and energy and translates it into emphatic footsteps and sharp movements. Its easy to smile when performing on stage and even easier to forget that the audience is there. And dancing with the other members of MIT Natya is rejuvenating it feels like a lively celebration with the best of friends :) For your viewing pleasure, heres a set of photos from Laasya ~ all photo credit goes to Arfa 13. Oh and a shout-out to Brian 13, who not only supported MIT Natya by coming to Laasya but also desperately wanted to be mentioned in the blogs :)
Monday, June 22, 2020
Getting Ready for the Test An A+ Pop Quiz
(Part 1 in a two-part series.) It’s time! You’ve practiced. You’ve learned which test strategies work best for you. You’re ready to show what you can do. Tomorrow is Test Day. Maybe you’re taking the SAT, the ACT, or an SAT subject test. However, there’s one thing you have to do before acing any test: get through the night before. A+ has put together this short quiz to help you plan a restful and productive evening before the big day. Which of the following would be your best choice for dinner? Now might be a good time to see if I’m still lactose intolerant. Let’s use up those old hot dogsâ€â€they’ve only been in the fridge for two weeks! I’ll have dinner at my regular time, choosing foods I like that I know I tolerate well. Which activity will leave you in the best frame of mind the next morning? Attending a big party and dancing into the early hours of the morning. Starting a new workout routine that exercises muscles I’ve never used before. Watching a movie with one or two friends and going to sleep at my usual time. How much sleep should you get? I plan to study until dawn. I can sleep after the test. I’ll go to bed on time. If I can’t fall asleep, I’ll toss and turn and stare at the ceiling. I’ll go to bed on time. If I don’t fall asleep, I’ll get up and do something relaxing until I feel sleepy. What about breakfast? (Okay, that’s not at night. It’s still before the test.) I never eat breakfast. Black coffee and orange juice. I’ll eat something light that contains protein. I’ll take a snack with me. The right choice for all of the above isâ€â€surprise, surpriseâ€â€always c! I’ll have dinner at my regular time, choosing foods I like that I know I tolerate well. Nerves do funny things to your state of mind. One response can be the impulse to try something new, if only for distraction purposes. This is not the time to experiment with ghost peppers or teach yourself to make crab legs flambà ©. If tuna casserole has always worked for you, then tuna casserole it is. Watching a movie with one or two friends and going to sleep at my usual time. Plan an activity that is fun, relaxing, and not likely to result in emergency services being alerted. If what you’re considering generally causes you to wake up with a killer headache and ringing in your ears, pick a different activity. I’ll go to bed on time. If I don’t fall asleep, I’ll get up and do something relaxing until I feel sleepy. Nothing is less relaxing than staring at a dark ceiling and counting how many hours you could still get if you fell asleep right now. Get in your comfy jammies. Go to bed at a reasonable time. However, if sleep doesn’t happen, don’t beat yourself up. Read a book. Watch TV. Do a crossword puzzle. I’ll eat something light that contains protein. I’ll take a snack with me. Use your judgement here. Although taking a major test on an empty stomach is not recommended, forcing yourself to eat and then working through nausea is possibly worse. If nerves won’t let you eat breakfast, take a snack that you can eat during a break (when presumably you’re less jittery). Avoid breakfasts like the one mentioned in choice b; all that acid with no protein is a recipe for disaster. Finally, remember that a little stage fright is a good thing. You wouldn’t want to fall asleep during the test because you’re so relaxed! It’s good to minimize stress, but don’t expect to eliminate it altogether. Use it instead. In part two of this series, we’ll look at a technique called visualization. At A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, our practices are based on the latest developments in educational theory and research. We have an excellent team of tutors who can help you with standardized testing, executive functioning, or achievement in any other school subject. If you would like more information, our Client Service Directors Anne Stanley and Susan Ware are available to answer questions and provide solutions. You may reach either of them by calling A+ Test Prep and Tutoring at 215-886-9188.
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